The minor in Creative and Journalistic Writing provides students from any major with a strong liberal arts background and communicative competence in English writing. The program introduces students to writing fiction, non-fiction, and news, and to the basics of storytelling and creative forms of writing in multimedia environments. It offers them the opportunity to explore and build skills in various creative writing genres of their choice.
Program Objectives
After graduation, students are expected to:
- develop an appreciation of the professional aspects of creative writing, and
- gain technical and skill-based competencies of creative writing techniques of fiction, creative non-fiction writing, multimedia, newswriting, and art criticism.
Learning Outcomes
At the completion of the program, students will be able to:
- write news reports and story briefs in a multimedia environment,
- analyze the techniques of various creative writing models in fiction and creative non-fiction, and
- write for various print, artistic, and media genres.
Course Listing
The total number of credits is 18.
Required (6 credits)
Students must complete the following two courses:
- JSC220 News Writing and Reporting (3 cr.)
- ENG366 Creative Writing (3 cr.)
Electives (12 credits)
Students must complete four of the following courses:
- COM430 Writing for Advertising and Public Relations (3 cr.)
- JSC226 Multimedia Journalism Basics (3 cr.)
- JSC228 Arabic News Writing and Reporting (3 cr.)
- JSC236 Advanced News Writing and Reporting (3 cr.)
- JSC328 Advanced Arabic News Writing and Reporting (3 cr.)
- JSC431 Investigative Journalism (3 cr.)
- JSC432 Multimedia Feature (3 cr.)
- PFA322 Dance History and Criticism (3 cr.)
- TVF316 Script Writing (3 cr.)
- ENG301 Food and Travel Writing (3 cr.)
- ENG304 Arts and Fashion Writing (3 cr.)
- ENG305 Music and Performing Arts Criticism (3 cr.)
- ENG331 Poetry Writing (3 cr.)
- ENG333 Fiction Writing (3 cr.)
- ENG335 Playwriting (3 cr.)
- ENG362 Multimedia Storytelling (3 cr.)
- ENG411 Speech Writing (3 cr.)