Academic Catalog 2018–2019

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Liberal Arts Curriculum

The School of Engineering , School of Architecture & Design, and School of Arts and Sciences follow curriculum A.

All other schools follow curriculum B.

Curriculum A

Curriculum A offers students a selection of courses in a variety of subjects that aim to complement their major of study and to broaden their intellectual exposure. It is divided into a core of required courses, and a wide selection of electives in the arts, humanities, social and natural sciences.

The Liberal Arts Curriculum consists of:

A.    Required Core Courses (6 credits)

B.    Elective Courses (remainder credits according to program- see specific program requirements below)

Specific Program Requirements:

  • For a B.A. degree, a total of 60 post-Freshman credits of LAC is required, including the 6 core credits. The 54 remaining credits are to be taken from the list of courses in section B, according to the specific program guidelines.
  • For a B.S. in Nursing, a total of 37 post-Freshman credits of LAC is required, including the 6 core credits. The remaining 31 credits are to be taken from the list of courses in section B, according to the specific program guidelines.
  • For a 3-year B.S. degree, a total of 30 post-Freshman credits of LAC is required, including the 6 core credits. The remaining 24 credits are to be taken from the list of courses in section B, according to the specific program guidelines.
  • For a 4-year B.S. degree, the total number of required post-Freshman credits of LAC is 45, including the 6 core credits. The remaining 39 credits are to be taken from the list of courses in section B, according to the specific program guidelines.
  • For a BFA/ B.E./ B. Arch. degree, a total of 18 post-Freshman credits of LAC is required, including the 6 core course credits. The remaining 12 credits can be taken from the list of courses in section B, according to the specific program guidelines.

A.  Required Courses (6 credits)

  • ENG202 Advanced Academic English (3 cr.)
  • COM203 Fundamentals of Oral Communication (3 cr.)

B.  Elective Courses

The Liberal Arts Electives are organized under 3 general categories. Selection of electives from these categories is subject to the criteria specific to each program.

1. Arts & Humanities:

  • English:
  • ENG211  Literature I  (3 cr.)
  • ENG212  Literature II  (3 cr.)
  • ENG216  Introduction to Literature  (3 cr.)
  • ENG216H Introduction to Literature (3 cr)
  • ENG323  Renaissance Drama   (3 cr.)
  • ENG324  Medieval Literature  (3 cr.)
  • ENG325  Renaissance Poetry  (3 cr.)
  • ENG326  Restoration and Neoclassical Literature  (3 cr.)
  • ENG328  Early Novel  (3 cr.)
  • ENG336  Romantic and Victorian Poetry   (3 cr.)
  • ENG339  19th-Century British Novel  (3 cr.)
  • ENG342  Modernism and Beyond  (3 cr.)
  • ENG342H Modernism and Beyond (3 cr)
  • ENG345  The 20th-Century British Novel  (3 cr.)
  • ENG346  Contemporary Culture  (3 cr.)
  • ENG346H Contemporary Culture (3 cr)
  • ENG348  Postcolonial Anglophone Literatures   (3 cr.)
  • ENG351  Early American Literature  (3 cr.)
  • ENG352  20th-Century American Novel   (3 cr.)
  • ENG354  Theories of Literature and Culture  (3 cr.)
  • ENG372  Comparative and World Literatures  (3 cr.)
  • ENG372H  Comparative and World Literatures  (3 cr.)
  • ENG479  Topics in Literature and Culture  (3 cr.)
  • Fine Arts:
  • ARC371/ DES371  History of Architecture I   (3 cr.)
  • ARC375/ DES375/ IAA375  Introduction to Islamic Art (650-1650) (3 cr.)
  • ARC376/ DES376/ IAA376  Introduction to Islamic Architecture (650-1650)  (3 cr.)
  • ART331  History of Art I  (3 cr.)
  • ART332  History of Art II  (3 cr.)
  • ART335  Islamic Art of the Middle East  (3 cr.)
  • ART431  Modern Art  (3 cr.)
  • IAA375H Introduction to Islamic Art (650-1650) (3 cr.)
  • Communication Arts:
  • JSC312  Media and Society  (3 cr.)
  • TVF221 Art of Film  (3 cr.)
  • Arabic Language & Literature:
  • ARA303    Arabic Grammar and Syntax  (3 cr.)
  • ARA310    Classical Arabic Rhetoric and Literary Criticism  (3 cr.)
  • ARA313    Creative Writing  (3 cr.)
  • ARA320    Pre-Islamic and Umayyad Poetry  (3 cr.)
  • ARA323     Abbasid Poetry  (3 cr.)
  • ARA323H  Abbasid Poetry  (3 cr.)
  • ARA324    Andalusian Literature  (3 cr.)
  • ARA325    Classical Prose  (3 cr.)
  • ARA330    Lebanese Literary Heritage  (3 cr.)
  • ARA341    Modern Arabic Novel and Short Story  (3 cr.)
  • ARA342    Arabic Drama  (3 cr.)
  • ARA343    Modern Arabic Poetry  (3 cr.)
  • ARA344    Trends in Modern Literature  (3 cr.)
  • ARA344H Trends in Modern Literature  (3 cr.)
  • Music Appreciation:
  • PFA211  Survey of Western Music  (3 cr.)
  • PFA212  Survey of Middle Eastern Music  (3 cr.)
  • Philosophy:
  • PHL301  Ethics  (3 cr.)
  • PHL302 Theory of Knowledge  (3 cr.)
  • PHL303  Metaphysics  (3 cr.)
  • PHL304 19th Century Philosophy (3 cr.)   (effective Spring 2018)
  • PHL306 Phenomenology (3 cr.)   (effective Spring 2018)
  • PHL311  Philosophy of Religion  (3 cr.)
  • PHL311H  Philosophy of Religion  (3 cr.)
  • PHL322  Philosophy in Literature and Film (3 cr.)   (effective Spring 2018)
  • PHL324 Philosophy of Science  (3 cr.)
  • Religion:
  • REL312  Interpretation of Religious Literature  (3 cr.)
  • REL411  Myth and Ritual  (3 cr.)
  • REL412  History of Religious Thought in the Middle East  (3 cr.)
  • REL413  Representatives of Christian Thought in the Modern Period (3 cr.)
  • REL414  Representatives of Islamic Thought in the Modern Period (3 cr.)
  • Theater:
  • PFA242  Art of Theater  (3 cr.)
  • PFA249  Theater in Lebanon and the Arab World  (3 cr.)
  • PFA252  Lebanese Musical Theater (3 cr.)
  • Cultural Studies:
  • CST201  Cultural Studies I  (3 cr.)
  • CST202  Cultural Studies II  (3 cr.)
  • CST203  Cultural Studies III  (3 cr.)
  • History:
  • HST221  The Ancient World, Greece and Rome  (3 cr.)
  • HST231  History of Lebanon, from the Imarah to the 1975-1990 War   (3 cr.)
  • HST240  History of the Arab Peoples  (3 cr.)
  • HST242  Europe and the Middle East (1798 – 1956)  (3 cr.)
  • HST242H Europe and the Middle East (1798 – 1956)  (3 cr.)
  • HST302  Medieval Europe 1066-1453  (3 cr.)
  • HST303  Early Modern Europe 1450-1750  (3 cr.)
  • HST303H  Early Modern Europe 1450-1750  (3 cr.)

2.     Natural sciences and Mathematics:

  • Natural Sciences:
  • AST200  Introduction to Astronomy  (3 cr.)
  • BIO201  General Biology I  (3 cr.)
  • BIO202  General Biology II  (3 cr.)
  • CHM201  Chemical Principles  (3 cr.)
  • CHM202  Analytical Chemistry  (3 cr.)
  • ENV200  Introduction to Environmental Science  (3 cr.)
  • NUT201  Fundamentals of Human Nutrition  (3 cr.)
  • NUT201H  Fundamentals of Human Nutrition  (3 cr.)
  • Computer Science:
  • CSC241  Introduction to Computing  (3 cr.)

3.     Social sciences:

  • ECO201  Microeconomics  (3 cr.)
  • ECO202  Macroeconomics  (3 cr.)
  • PJE201    Cross-cultural Communication and Conflict  (3 cr.)
  • PJE201H    Cross-cultural Communication and Conflict  (3 cr.)
  • POL201  Introduction to Political Science  (3 cr.)
  • POL231  Introduction to Human Rights  (3 cr.)
  • POL231H Introduction to Human Rights (3 cr)
  • PSY201  Introduction to Psychology  (3 cr.)
  • PSY202  Child Psychology  (3 cr.)
  • PSY335   Organizational Psychology  (3 cr.)
  • SOC201  Introduction to Sociology  (3 cr.)
  • SOC215  Introduction to Gender Studies  (3 cr.)
  • SOC321  Sociology of the Arab World  (3 cr.)
  • SWO311  Social Problems  (3 cr.)
  • WOS311  Issues and Debates in Feminist Theory  (3 cr.)
  • WOS313  Women in the Arab World: Sociological Perspectives  (3 cr.)
  • WOS412  Representations of Women in the Arts and the Media  (3 cr.)

Curriculum B

Curriculum B consists of 13 credits of required courses and 21 credits of elective courses, for a total of 34 credits.

Required Core Courses (13 cr)

Six credits of English:

  • ENG202 Advanced Academic English (3 cr)
  • COM203 Fundamentals of Oral Communication (3 cr)

Three credits of Arabic Language or Literature:

  • ARA303 Arabic Grammar and Syntax (3 cr)
  • ARA310 Classical Arabic Rhetoric and Literary Criticism (3 cr)
  • ARA313 Creative Writing (3 cr)
  • ARA320 Pre-Islamic and Umayyad Poetry (3 cr)
  • ARA323 Abbasid Poetry (3 cr)
  • ARA323H  Abbasid Poetry  (3 cr.)
  • ARA324 Andalusian Literature (3 cr)
  • ARA325 Classical Prose (3 cr)
  • ARA330 Lebanese Literary Heritage (3 cr)
  • ARA341 Modern Arabic Novel and Short Story (3 cr)
  • ARA342 Arabic Drama (3 cr)
  • ARA343 Modern Arabic Poetry (3 cr)
  • ARA344 Trends in Modern Arabic Literature (3 cr)
  • ARA344H Trends in Modern Literature  (3 cr.)

One credit of Computer Applications:

  • CSC201 Computer Applications (1 cr)

One credit of Ethics:

  • ETH201 Moral Reasoning (1 cr)

One credit of Basic Health:

One credit of Physical Education:

Elective Courses (21 cr)

Cultural Studies, History, Philosophy, Religion

A minimum of three and a maximum of nine credits of Cultural Studies, History, Philosophy, or Religion

Cultural Studies

  • CST201 Cultural Studies I (3 cr)
  • CST202 Cultural Studies II (3 cr)
  • CST203 Cultural Studies III (3 cr)


  • HST221 The Ancient World, Greece and Rome (3 cr)
  • HST231 History of Lebanon, from the Imarah to the 1975-1990 War (3 cr)
  • HST240 History of the Arab Peoples (3 cr)
  • HST242 Europe and the Middle East (1798 – 1956) (3 cr)
  • HST242H Europe and the Middle East (1798 – 1956) (3 cr)
  • HST302 Medieval Europe 1066-1453 (3 cr)
  • HST303 Early Modern Europe 1450-1750 (3 cr)
  • HST303H Early Modern Europe 1450-1750 (3 cr)


  • PHL301 Ethics (3 cr)
  • PHL302 Theory of Knowledge (3 cr)
  • PHL303  Metaphysics  (3 cr.)
  • PHL304 19th Century Philosophy (3 cr.)   (effective Spring 2018)
  • PHL306 Phenomenology (3 cr.)   (effective Spring 2018)
  • PHL311 Philosophy of Religion (3 cr)
  • PHL311H  Philosophy of Religion  (3 cr.)
  • PHL322  Philosophy in Literature and Film (3 cr.)   (effective Spring 2018)
  • PHL324 Philosophy of Science (3 cr)


  • REL312 Interpretation of Religious Literature (3 cr)
  • REL411 Myth and Ritual (3 cr)
  • REL412 History of Religious Thought in the Middle East (3 cr)
  • REL413 Representatives of Christian Thought in the Modern Period (3 cr)
  • REL414 Representatives of Islamic Thought in the Modern Period (3 cr)


A minimum of three and a maximum of six credits of Literature, taught in the English language.

  • ENG211 Literature I (3 cr)
  • ENG212 Literature II (3 cr)
  • ENG216 Introduction to Literature (3 cr)
  • ENG216H Introduction to Literature (3 cr)
  • ENG323 Renaissance Drama (3 cr)
  • ENG324 Medieval Literature (3 cr)
  • ENG325 Renaissance Poetry (3 cr)
  • ENG326 Restoration and Neoclassical Literature (3 cr)
  • ENG328 Early Novel (3 cr)
  • ENG336 Romantic and Victorian Poetry (3 cr)
  • ENG339 19th Century British Novel (3 cr)
  • ENG342 Modernism and Beyond (3 cr)
  • ENG342H Modernism and Beyond (3 cr)
  • ENG345 The 20th Century British Novel (3 cr)
  • ENG346 Contemporary Culture (3 cr)
  • ENG346H Contemporary Culture (3 cr)
  • ENG348 Postcolonial Anglophone Literatures (3 cr)
  • ENG351 Early American Literature (3 cr)
  • ENG352 20th Century American Novel (3 cr)
  • ENG354 Theories of Literature and Culture (3 cr)
  • ENG372 Comparative and World Literatures (3 cr)
  • ENG372H Comparative and World Literatures (3 cr)
  • ENG479 Topics in Literature and Culture (3 cr)


  • AST200 Introduction to Astronomy (3 cr)
  • BIO201 General Biology I (3 cr)
  • BIO202 General Biology II (3 cr)
  • CHM201 Chemical Principles (3 cr)
  • CHM202 Analytical Chemistry (3 cr)
  • CSC241 Introduction to Computing (3 cr)
  • ENV200 Introduction to Environmental Science (3 cr)
  • NUT201 Fundamentals of Human Nutrition (3 cr)
  • NUT201H  Fundamentals of Human Nutrition  (3 cr.)


  • ARC371 History of Architecture I (3 cr)1
  • ARC372 History of Architecture II (3 cr)2
  • ARC375 Introduction to Islamic Art (3 cr)3
  • ARC375H Introduction to Islamic Art (3 cr)4
  • ARC376 Introduction to Islamic Architecture (3 cr)5
  • ART331 History of Art I (3 cr)
  • ART332 History of Art II (3 cr)
  • ART335 Islamic Art of the Middle East (3 cr)
  • ART431 Modern Art (3 cr)
  • JSC312 Media and Society (3 cr)
  • TVF221 Art of Film (3 cr)
  • PFA211 Survey of Western Music (3 cr)
  • PFA212 Survey of Middle Eastern Music (3 cr)
  • PFA242  Art of Theater (3 cr)
  • PFA249 Theater in Lebanon and the Arab World (3 cr)
  • PFA252 Lebanese Musical Theater (3 cr)

or DES371 History of Architecture I (3 cr)
or DES372 History of Architecture II (3 cr)
3 or DES375 Introduction to Islamic Art (3 cr) 
4 or IAA375H Introduction to Islamic Art (3 cr)
or DES376 Introduction to Islamic Architecture (3 cr) or IAA376 Introduction to Islamic Architecture (3 cr)

Social Sciences

  • ECO201 Microeconomics (3 cr)
  • ECO202 Macroeconomics (3 cr)
  • PJE201   Cross-cultural Communication and Conflict (3 cr)
  • PJE201H Cross-cultural Communication and Conflict (3 cr.)
  • POL201 Introduction to Political Science (3 cr)
  • POL231 Introduction to Human Rights (3 cr)
  • POL231H Introduction to Human Rights (3 cr)
  • PSY201 Introduction to Psychology (3 cr)
  • PSY202 Child Psychology (3 cr)
  • PSY335 Organizational Psychology (3 cr)
  • SOC201 Introduction to Sociology (3 cr)
  • SOC215 Introduction to Gender Studies (3 cr)
  • SOC321 Sociology of the Arab World (3 cr)
  • SWO311 Social Problems (3 cr)
  • WOS311 Issues and Debates in Feminist Theory (3 cr)
  • WOS313 Women in the Arab World: Sociological Perspectives (3 cr)
  • WOS412 Representations of Women in the Arts and the Media (3 cr)



a.       Entering Freshman students with scores between 500 and 549 on the Entrance English Exam (EEE), or its equivalent on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), must take ENG009 Remedial English (valued at three non-credits), ENG101 Academic English I (worth three credits), and ENG102 Academic English II (worth three credits), before taking the Sophomore level English courses.

b.      Entering Freshman students with scores between 550 and 599 on the EEE, or its equivalent on the TOEFL, must take ENG101 Academic English I (worth three credits), and ENG102 Academic English II (worth three credits), before taking the Sophomore level English courses.

c.       Entering Freshman students with scores between 600 and 649 on the EEE, or its equivalent on the TOEFL, if enrolled in a BA/BS program, must take ENG102 Academic English II (worth three credits), before taking the Sophomore level English courses. They must also take three elective credits to make up for the missing credits. 

2. Sophomore students who are exempted from Arabic by the Admissions Council, must substitute the Arabic course by one of the following courses:

  • SAR221 Developmental Arabic (3 cr.)
  • SOC321 Sociology of the Arab World (3 cr.)
  • WOS313 Women in the Arab World (3 cr.)
  • HST230 History of Lebanon, from Antelias Man to the Ottoman Conquest (3 cr.)
  • HST231 History of Lebanon, from the Imarah to the 1975-1990 War (3 cr.)
  • HST240 History of the Arab Peoples (3 cr.)