Academic Catalog 2018–2019

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Department of Education


The mission of the Department of Education is to prepare professional K-12 teachers who are academically well-grounded in both their subject matter and pedagogy, and to enable experienced educators to update their knowledge and skills.

Academic training offered by the department puts equal emphasis on theory and practice, classroom management, instructional strategies, and technology.  Students have a rich and diverse background across several disciplines, such as humanities, social sciences, language ability, and written and oral communication skills, and they graduate with a wealth of knowledge and practical skills that are unmatched in the Arab region. 

Programs Offered

Faculty and Staff


  • Mona Majdalani, Ph.D., Curriculum & Instruction

Associate Professors 

  • Rima Bahous, Ed.D., Applied Linguistics & TESOL    Chair
  • Mona Nabhani, Ed.D., Management & Leadership
  • Iman Osta, Ph.D., Didactique des Mathématiques et de l’Informatique
  • Ahmad Oueini, PhD, Education, Counseling and Special Education

Assistant Professors 

  • Garene Kaloustian, Ph.D., Philosophy
  • Diane Nauffal, Ph.D., Educational Management & Policy, Director, Institutional Research and Assessment


  • Dina Noueiri, Academic Assistant  Beirut
  • Viviane Yedalian, Practicum Officer  Beirut

Contact Information


  • Phone number: Extension 1648
  • Address: Shannon Hall 4006
  • Website