Academic Catalog 2018–2019

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PHA760 Biostatistics: in Pharmaceutical Development of Drugs

[3–0, 3 cr.]

The course builds on the statistical skills established in pharmacy BS programs with testing hypothesis for single, two, and three or more groups. It prepares students to deal with multivariate analysis techniques starting with factorial ANOVA, ANCOVA, ANOVA with repeated measures. It also, addresses the linear regression model at the multivariate level addressing issue of modeling techniques, different types of SS, and ways to deal with statistical interaction and interpretation. It then focuses on frequency data and methods to analyze them at the bivariate and multivariate level including the logistic regression model. Last, it will provide theoretical and computer applications of SPSS, General Linear Model and the Generalized Estimation Equations, Factor analysis and scale related measurements (validity and reliability), and the Cox model for time to event modeling.