Academic Catalog 2018–2019

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Business Courses

BUS101 Introduction to Business

[3–0, 3 cr.]

An introductory survey of the business environment. Topics include: basic business functions and their interrelationships, accounting, finance, management, marketing and economics. Offered to Bridge Program students.

BUS105 Business Mathematics

[3–0, 3 cr.]

This is a freshman course for students admitted to the Business School. The course equips students with the mathematical skills required to better understand the many concepts and tools that are encountered in their studies in business and economics. Solving simultaneous equation systems, identifying the difference between linear and non-linear functions and equations, learning the basic rules of differentiation and integration, and recognizing the use of exponential and logarithmic functions are some of the topics covered in the course.

BUS201 Introduction to Business

[3–0, 3 cr.]

This course is an introductory survey of the business environment. Topics include basic business functions and their interrelationships, accounting, finance, management, marketing and economics.

BUS213 Business Law and Ethics

[3–0, 3 cr.]

This course is an introduction to the American/Lebanese legal environment. It entails the survey of the American/Lebanese judicial system, business ethics, contract laws, business organization, antitrust law and commercial agencies; all in a comparative approach.

BUS299 Civic Engagement

[0 cr.]

This is a mandatory zero credit (Pass/Fail basis) civic engagement course for all students in the B.S. Business Studies program. It is a guided community service experience based on a plan designed by the School in cooperation with the Outreach and Civic Engagement Department.

BUS311 Research Methods

[3–0, 3 cr.]

This course acquaints students with the importance of research in business. Topics include a research proposal design, data collection, and descriptive and statistical analysis.

Prerequisites: QBA201 Managerial Statistics 

BUS399 Business Internship/Practicum

[1 cr.]

This is a mandatory internship /practicum course for all students in the BS Business Studies program. It is a guided work experience based on a plan designed and agreed upon by the school and the employer, respectively.

Prerequisite: Business Major, Junior standing, Good Academic Standing

BUS898 Research Topic in Business

[3–0, 3 cr.]

BUS899 Thesis in Business

[6–0, 6 cr.]

This course entails the application of research methods to a current topic relevant to business and business education in the Middle East. The thesis must incorporate the student’s hypothesis, test methods, test results, and conclusions, n a report available to later researchers. In some cases, the faculty may authorize expanded research procedures resulting in high-quality publication.