Academic Catalog 2024–2025

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Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Students enrolled as of Fall 2019 must follow this curriculum. For the old curriculum please refer to this page.


The B.S in Chemistry at LAU provides students with a broad-based education that includes exposure to the core areas of chemistry (analytical, physical, organic and inorganic), and recently emerging technologies in both a classroom setting and in the laboratory within the context of the liberal arts and sciences curriculum. The program encompasses the latest methodologies and applications in the study of chemistry and provides students with access to advanced instrumental techniques, particularly through the integration of information technology solutions for chemical applications.

Ultimately, students will graduate as well-rounded individuals with a broad knowledge in the chemical field and hence will be well prepared for local, national and international job markets in the sectors of education, industry and health. Moreover, the program prepares students for postgraduate study in scientific fields such as chemistry, chemical engineering, biomedical sciences and medicine.

The B.S. in Chemistry satisfies the premedical requirements and is thus suitable for students wishing to apply for the MCAT exam to gain admission into medical school.


The Bachelor of Science in Chemistry program is designed to challenge undergraduates intellectually, experimentally and interactively by providing a marque chemical curriculum that matures students into individuals prepared to embrace professional and ethical responsibilities. The program parallels the mission of the university in commitment to academic excellence within the framework of a liberal arts tradition.

Program Educational Objectives

Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry shall be able to:

  1. Critically assess chemical concepts to solve problems associated with the various disciplines of chemistry,
  2. Implement research methods while abiding by high ethical and safety standards as individuals or as part of a team, and
  3. Prepare graduates for employment and graduate studies.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the B.S. in Chemistry, students should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate a solid foundation of analytical, organic, inorganic and physical chemistry.
  2. Analyze theoretical principles through proficient application of laboratory techniques and through instrumentation and modeling methods.
  3. Apply computational tools to model theoretical processes and experimental data.
  4. Apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the development and implementation of a research project.
  5. Critically analyze scientific information.
  6. Explain chemical concepts to a diversified audience through effective written and oral presentation.
  7. Employ high ethical standards and good laboratory practice as chemists and as members of society.
  8. Employ teamwork to perform a task collectively and effectively.
  9. Develop independent learning skills.


A total of 94 credits are required to graduate, distributed as follows:

  • Chemistry Core Requirements (42 credits)
  • Chemistry Elective Courses (6 credits)
  • Elective Laboratory Courses (2 credits)
  • Mathematics Requirements (6 credits)
  • Physics Requirements (7 credits)
  • Computer Skills Requirements (1 credit)
  • Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) Core Curriculum (6 credits)
  • Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) Change Makers Courses (6 credits)
  • Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) Digital Cultures Courses (3 credits)
  • Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) Electives (12 credits: Arts and Humanities: 3 credits, Free Liberal Arts Elective Courses: 9 credits)
  • Free Electives (3 credits)

Chemistry Core Requirements (42 credits)

  • CHM005 Preparatory Chemistry (0 cr.)
  • CHM201 Chemical Principles (3 cr.)
  • CHM203 Qualitative Analysis (1 cr.)
  • CHM204 Quantitative Analysis (2 cr.)
  • CHM301 Analytical Chemistry (3 cr.)
  • CHM302 Instrumental Analysis (3 cr.)
  • CHM311 Organic Chemistry I (3 cr.)
  • CHM312 Organic Chemistry II (3 cr.)
  • CHM313 Organic Chemistry I Lab (1 cr.)
  • CHM314 Organic Chemistry II Lab (1 cr.)
  • CHM330 Physical Chemistry I (4 cr.)
  • CHM332 Physical Chemistry II (3 cr.)
  • CHM334 Physical Chemistry Laboratory (2 cr.)
  • CHM421 Inorganic Chemistry (3 cr.)
  • CHM422 Inorganic Chemistry II (3 cr.)
  • CHM423 Synthesis and Identification of Inorganic Compounds (2 cr.)
  • CHM425 Computational Chemistry (2 cr.)
  • CHM499P Senior Study or CHM499R Undergraduate Research (3 cr.)

Chemistry Elective Courses (6 credits)

  • BCH301 Introduction to Biochemistry (4 cr.)
  • CHM340 Environmental Chemistry (3 cr.)
  • CHM350 Drug Discovery and Medicinal Chemistry I (3 cr.)
  • CHM352 Method Validation and Quality Assurance (3 cr.)
  • CHM402 Chemistry of Materials (3 cr.)
  • CHM403 Polymer Science (3 cr.)
  • CHM404 Forensic Chemistry (3 cr.)
  • CHM405 Statistical Mechanics (3 cr.)
  • CHM450 Drug Discovery and Medicinal Chemistry II (3 cr.)
  • CHM451 Chemical Pharmacology (3 cr.)
  • CHM488 Topics in Chemistry (3 cr.)

Elective Laboratory Course (2 credits)

  • CHM351 Drug Discovery Lab (1 cr.)
  • CHM406 Forensic Chemistry Lab (2 cr.)
  • CHM412 Synthesis & Identification of Organic Compounds (2 cr.)
  • CHM424 Synthesis & Identification of Nanomaterials (2 cr.)

Mathematics Requirements (6 credits)

Students must take:

And choose one course (3 cr.) from:

  • MTH301 Linear Algebra (3 cr.)
  • MTH303 Numerical Methods (3 cr.)
  • MTH304 Differential Equation (3 cr.)
  • MTH305 Probability & Statistics (3 cr.)

Physics Requirements (7 credits)

Students must take:

  • PHY201 Electricity & Magnetism (3 cr.)
  • PHY201B Electricity & Magnetism Lab (1 cr.)

And choose one course (3 cr.) from:

  • PHY301 Classical Physics for Life Sciences (3 cr.)
  • PHY321 Introduction to Modern Physics (3 cr.)

Computer Skills Requirements (1 credit)

  • CSC201 Computer Applications (1 cr.)

LAS Courses

Free Electives (3 credits)

Recommended Study Plan

Year One

Fall (16 credits)

  • CHM005 Preparatory Chemistry (0 cr.)
  • CHM201 Chemical principles (3 cr.)
  • CHM203 Qualitative Analysis (1 cr.)
  • MTH201 Calculus III (3 cr.)
  • Arts and Humanities Elective (LASC) (3 cr.)
  • ENG202 Advanced Academic English (LASC) (3 cr.)
  • Digital Cultures (LASC) (3 cr.) 

Spring (16 credits)

  • CHM204 Quantitative Analysis (2 cr.)
  • CHM301 Analytical Chemistry (3 cr.)
  • PHY201 Electricity & Magnetism (3 cr.)
  • PHY201B Electricity & Magnetism Lab (1 cr.)
  • COM203 Art of Public Communication (3 cr.)
  • Change Makers (LASC) (3 cr.)
  • CSC201 Computer Applications (1 cr.)

Year Two

Fall (17 credits)

  • CHM311 Organic Chemistry I (3 cr.)
  • CHM313 Organic Chemistry I Lab (1 cr.)
  • CHM330 Physical Chemistry I (4 cr.)
  • MTH Elective (3 cr.)
  • Change Makers (LASC) (3 cr.)
  • Free Elective (LASC) (3 cr.)

Spring (14 credits)

  • CHM312 Organic Chemistry II (3 cr.)
  • CHM314 Organic Chemistry II Lab (1 cr.)
  • CHM332 Physical Chemistry II (3 cr.)
  • CHM334 Physical Chemistry Lab (2 cr.)
  • Chemistry Elective (3 cr.)
  • Chemistry Lab Elective or CHM425 Computational Chemistry (2 cr.)

Year Three

Fall (18 credits)

  • CHM302 Instrumental Analysis (3 cr.)
  • CHM421 Inorganic Chemistry I (3 cr.)
  • CHM499R Undergraduate Research (3 cr.)
  • Physics Elective (3 cr.)
  • Free Elective (3 cr.)
  • Free Elective (LASC) (3 cr.)

Spring (13 credits)

  • CHM422 Inorganic Chemistry II (3 cr.)
  • CHM423 Synthesis and Identification of Inorganic Compounds (2 cr.)
  • CHM425 Computational Chemistry or Chemistry Lab Elective (2 cr.)
  • Chemistry Elective (3 cr.)
  • Free Elective (LASC) (3 cr.)

Recommended Pre-med Study Plan

You are required to complete 97 credits to graduate.

Year One

Fall (17 credits)

  • CHM005 Preparatory Chemistry (0 cr.)
  • CHM201 Chemical principles (3 cr.)
  • CHM203 Qualitative Analysis (1 cr.)
  • MTH201 Calculus III (3 cr.)
  • ENG202 Advanced Academic English (LASC) (3 cr.)
  • Digital Cultures (LASC) (3 cr.) 
  • BIO201 General Biology I (3 cr.)
  • BIO201B General Biology I Lab (1 cr.)

Spring (17 credits)

  • CHM204 Quantitative Analysis (2 cr.)
  • CHM301 Analytical Chemistry (3 cr.)
  • PHY201 Electricity & Magnetism (3 cr.)
  • PHY201B Electricity & Magnetism Lab ( 1cr.)
  • COM203 Art of Public Communication (3 cr.)
  • CSC201 Computer Applications (1 cr.)
  • BIO202 General Biology II (3 cr.)
  • BIO202B General Biology II Lab (1 cr.)

Year Two

Fall (17 credits)

  • CHM311 Organic Chemistry I (3 cr.)
  • CHM313 Organic Chemistry I Lab (1 cr.)
  • CHM330 Physical Chemistry I (4 cr.)
  • BIO321 Genetics (3 cr.)
  • MTH Elective (3 cr.)
  • PHY301 Classical Physics for Life Sciences (3 cr.)

Spring (17 credits)

  • CHM312 Organic Chemistry II (3 cr.)
  • CHM314 Organic Chemistry II Lab (1 cr.)
  • CHM332 Physical Chemistry II (3 cr.)
  • CHM334 Physical Chemistry Lab (2 cr.)
  • Chemistry Elective (3 cr.)
  • Chemistry Lab Elective of CHM425 Computational Chemistry (2 cr.)
  • Arts and Humanities Elective (LASC) (3 cr.)

Year Three

Fall (16 credits)

  • CHM302 Instrumental Analysis (3 cr.)
  • CHM421 Inorganic Chemistry I (3 cr.)
  • CHM499R Undergraduate Research (3 cr.)
  • BCH301 Intro to Biochemistry (4 cr.)
  • Free Elective (LASC) (3 cr.)

Spring (16 credits)

  • CHM422 Inorganic Chemistry II (3 cr.)
  • CHM423 Synthesis and Identification of Inorganic Compounds (2 cr.)
  • CHM425 Computational Chemistry or Chemistry Lab Elective (2 cr.)
  • Chemistry Elective (3 cr.)
  • Free Elective (LASC) (3 cr.)
  • Change Makers (LASC) (3 cr.)