Academic Catalog 2024–2025

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International Services and Programs

The Lebanese American University is an official member of several prestigious higher education international networks — NAFSA, the European Association for International Education (EAIE), IIE, and AIEA — linking LAU to hundreds of universities worldwide. The International Services and Programs Office (ISP), which operates under the auspices of Student Development and Enrollment Management (SDEM), aims to facilitate and support international programs with prestigious accredited universities in different world regions. To this end, the ISP:

  • initiates communication with international universities and directs their proposals to the concerned school/department,
  • works closely with faculty on developing and running student exchange programs,
  • promotes international opportunities for LAU students, including exchanges, study abroad, faculty-led programs, summer programs, Erasmus+ grants, and LAU NY offerings,
  • advises students on study abroad opportunities available at LAU that match their qualifications and
  • supports incoming and outgoing students through their study abroad experience by administering orientation programs and providing professional advising on related matters, such as visa procedures, housing, registration, and transfer of credits processes.

Through the university’s agreements with more than 100 institutions worldwide in the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, Brazil, and Asia, LAU students get the chance to study at very prestigious universities like Sciences Po in France, Kent State University in the US, Saint Mary’s University in Canada, and many more, while completing their studies at LAU.

In addition to that, ISP oversees and manages several international initiatives at LAU, including:


The Tomorrow’s Leaders Program is an initiative between the U.S. Department of State’s U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) and the Lebanese American University (LAU) for capable and highly motivated young scholars in the Middle East and North Africa who are from underserved backgrounds.

ISP oversees the overall grant’s methodology, academic projections, scholars’ work plans, volunteering, internships, outreach, and general welfare upon arrival to LAU and during their studies. This includes coordinating all travel-related services such as Lebanese Residency requirements, travel notifications, plans for university breaks (winter/summer), dormitories, health and insurance coverage, the US semester abroad, and Alumni networking. 

Erasmus+ Partnerships

Erasmus+, the new EU program for EducationTrainingYouth, and Sport for 2021-2027, brings together seven existing EU programs in education, training, and youth and introduces sport for the first time.

As an integrated program, Erasmus+ will support transnational partnerships and offer more opportunities for cooperation between Europe and the world.

LAU is an active partner in several Erasmus+ projects, specifically International Credit Mobility (ICM) funds, which facilitate the exchange of students, faculty, and staff between LAU and many EU partners. Through our different partnerships, students, faculty, and staff receive scholarships for international experiences abroad.

LAU’s SINARC Arabic Language and Culture Program

SINARC welcomes students from across the world who wish to study all levels of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and the Lebanese dialect in Lebanon, LAUNY, and online. The program is a top choice for Arabic language learners who want to improve their language skills and gain a true understanding of the MENA region.

Students benefit from language immersion that combines pedagogy with practice. The curriculum also includes off-site trips and lectures that allow students to understand the cultural and political contexts within the Arab world.

SINARC offers private tutorials for students with diverse personal and professional goals. Tutorials allow students to meet one-on-one with an experienced faculty member for personalized instruction tailored to help them meet their objectives.

The SINARC program offers Arabic as a foreign language course at the LAU New York Campus in Manhattan, New York. Classes are taught by native speakers with many years of teaching experience, specializing in reading, writing, and verbal communication.

International Education Week

Every year, LAU hosts an International Education Week (IEW) on both Beirut and Byblos campuses through which embassies, consulates, international educational institutions, and universities take part to represent their country/university and the opportunities they offer to students, staff, faculty, and professionals interested in an international experience. ISP also promotes the available international programs available to LAU students during this significant event.

BUDDY Program

ISP manages the International Student Buddy program, through which international students receive the support they need from an LAU student who is trained to guide and mentor them.

LAU BUDDY members provide a welcome point of contact for international students, answering any questions they have before their arrival and during their stay so that they make the most of their experience at LAU.

International Internships and Volunteering

ISP encourages international internships and volunteering by promoting and expanding the reach of students to the many opportunities available internationally.

More specifically, the AIESEC-LAU initiative, run and led by LAU students, operates under the supervision of ISP.

AIESEC is a global platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential. It is a non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are interested in world issues, leadership, and management. Through a network in 126 countries, AIESEC provides young people worldwide from hundreds of academic institutions with unique volunteer and internship opportunities.


ISEP is a non-profit educational community dedicated to helping students overcome financial and academic barriers to studying abroad. Through LAU’s membership in ISEP, LAU students will have the opportunity to go on an exchange semester to any partner university in the ISEP network and pay LAU’s tuition in addition to the full board package (housing and meals) that they will benefit from at the host university.

ISEP has more than 300 member institutions in more than 50 countries.


LAU is a member of the Association of AMERICAN International Colleges and Universities (AAICU)and an active partner in its DEEP initiative.

The goal of the AAICU Direct Educational Exchange Program is to promote collaboration across the AAICU network via the exchange of students, promoting intercultural and international understanding that supports the Mission of the AAICU. 

Students pursuing their undergraduate degree at one of the AAICU member institutions may participate in the AAICU-DEEP Program for study abroad. This program allows degree-seeking undergraduate students at any one of the AAICU member institutions to study at one of the other institutions for an academic semester. Students pay tuition at their home university and are responsible for all costs related to housing, transportation, and fees at the host institution. Spaces in the program may be limited. 

All AAICU institutions have academic programs based on the American liberal arts model and accept each other’s academic coursework for transfer credit, which facilitates your study abroad.