Academic Catalog 2024–2025

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Bachelor of Science in Business Studies with Emphasis in International Business


The B.S. in Business Studies with Emphasis in International Business provides a global perspective on management, finance, marketing, international affairs, and economics, while providing students with a firm foundation in the fundamentals of the business curriculum. This field aims at preparing students for work in the global marketplace as business professionals who can understand and exploit the dynamics of global business and finance. Graduates often seek a variety of job positions within an international context, in areas including but not limited to logistics, planning and production, finance, accounting, and marketing.


A minimum of 92 credits are required to graduate, distributed as follows:

  • Business Core Requirements (36 credits)
  • Emphasis Requirements (12 credits)
  • Other Requirements (12 credits)
  • LAS Requirements (30 credits)*
  • Free Electives (8 credits)

* The core business courses ECO201 and ECO202 fulfill 6 of these credits, as they are also LAS Social Sciences requirements.

The changes in LAS, business electives, and free electives requirements are applicable for the entering class of Fall 2021. Existing students may choose to follow the old or the new curriculum.

Business Core Requirements (36 credits)

  • ACC203 Financial Accounting (3 cr.)
  • ACC204 Managerial Accounting (3 cr.)
  • BUS213 Business Law & Ethics (3 cr.)
  • BUS299 Civic Engagement (0 cr.)
  • ECO201 Microeconomics (3 cr.)
  • ECO202 Macroeconomics (3 cr.)
  • FIN301 Managerial Finance (3 cr.)
  • ITM211 Information Technology Management (3 cr.)
  • MGT201 Introduction to Management (3 cr.)
  • MGT420 Strategic Planning & Policy Formulation (3 cr.)
  • MKT201 Introduction to Marketing (3 cr.)
  • OPM301 Operation & Production Management (3 cr.)
  • QBA201 Managerial Statistics (3 cr.)

Emphasis Requirements (12 credits)

  • ECO335 International Economics (3 cr.)
  • FIN322 Global Financial Management (3 cr.)
  • IBS311 Managing the Multinational Corporation (3 cr.)
  • MKT311 International Marketing (3 cr.)

Other Requirements (12 credits)

Business Electives: Choose any 12 credits of the following courses

Block A: Minimum 6 credits Maximum 12 credits

  • ECO311 Economic Development (3 cr.)
  • FEM312 Digital Entrepreneurship (3 cr.)
  • FEM410 Corporate Governance (3 cr.)
  • FIN302 Financial Institutions and Markets (3 cr.)
  • HOM321 Tourism Eco.& Cult. Impact  (3 cr.)
  • IBS488  Topics in International Business (3 cr.)
  • MGT301 Organizational Behavior (3 cr.)
  • POL313 Concepts of International Relations (3 cr.)

Block B: Maximum 6 credits

  1. Soft Skills : Maximum 3 credits
  • MGT236 Communication Skills (1 cr.)
  • MGT336 Developing a Business Plan (1 cr.)
  • MGT338  Negotiation Skills (1 cr.)
  • MGT436 Personality & Career Development (1 cr.)
  • MGT438 Leadership Skills (1 cr.)
  • MGT399 Internship/Practicum (1 cr.)
  1. Vertically Integrated ProjectsMaximum 3 credits
  • VIP201 Vertically-Integrated Projects (1 cr.)
  • VIP301 Vertically-Integrated Projects (1 cr.)
  • VIP401 Vertically-Integrated Projects (1 cr.)
  1. Other Electives
  • BDA211 Introduction to Applied Data Analytics (3 cr.)
  • BUS311 Research Methods (3 cr.)
  • QBA301 Intermediate Managerial Statistics (3 cr.)

LAS Requirements (30 credits)

Free Electives (8 credits)

Recommended Study Plan

Year One

Fall (15 credits)

  • ACC203 Financial Accounting (3 cr.)
  • MGT201 Introduction to Management (3 cr.)
  • ECO201 Microeconomics (3 cr.)
  • LAS Core (3 cr.)
  • LAS Elective (3 cr.)

Spring (16 credits)

  • ACC204 Managerial Accounting (3 cr.)
  • MKT201 Intro to Marketing (3 cr.)
  • ECO202 Macroeconomics (3 cr.)
  • ENG203 Liberal Arts Core (3 cr.)
  • Liberal Arts Elective (3 cr.)
  • Free Elective (1 cr.)

Year Two

Fall (15 credits)

  • QBA201  Managerial Statistics (3 cr.)
  • ITM211  IT Management I (3 cr.)
  • FIN301   Managerial Finance (3 cr.)
  • Liberal Arts Elective (3 cr.)
  • Liberal Arts Elective (3 cr.)

Spring (15 credits)

  • BUS213  Business Law & Ethics (3 cr.)
  • MKT311  International Marketing (3 cr.)
  • IBS311    Managing the Multinational Corporation (3 cr.)
  • Business Elective I (3 cr.)
  • Liberal Arts Elective (3 cr.)

Year Three

Fall (16 credits)

  • BUS299  Civic Engagement (0 cr.)
  • OPM301 Operations & Production Management (3 cr.)
  • FIN322   Global Financial Management (3 cr.)
  • Business Elective II (3 cr.)
  • Liberal Arts Elective (3cr.)
  • Free Elective (3 cr.)
  • Free Elective (1 cr.)

Spring (15 credits)

  • MGT420 Strategic Planning & Policy Formation (3 cr.)
  • ECO335 International Economics (3 cr.)
  • Business Elective III (3 cr.)
  • Business Elective IV (3 cr.)
  • Free Elective (3 cr)