Academic Catalog 2024–2025

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Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering, ENPMED track*


The School of Engineering offers an Engineering Pre-Med (ENPMED) track as part of all its undergraduate programs.

The fast advancements in the medical and health professions have exerted additional pressure on practitioners to acquire a better understanding of the underlying technologies. Due to the growing use of technologies for medicine and health, there is a growing interest among students who pursue medical degrees and health related degrees, to acquire a strong engineering background prior to joining medical and health-related professions. This need presents an opportunity for the SOE to bridge this gap by providing students with an option of acquiring a BE in engineering with a PreMed track, referred to herein as Engineering PreMED (ENPMED). ENPMED credits are integrated within each curriculum based on a different mix of credits depending on each degree program requirements.

The offered ENPMED track provides an opportunity for engineering students to apply to Medical School and pursue an MD degree, or pursue graduate studies in the biomedical and health related fields, or work in their chosen major after receiving their Bachelor of Engineering degree.

*The ENPMED Track is neither a separate degree program nor a specialization within the degree program; it is rather the same engineering major(s) with the addition of the pre-med path. This path allows engineering students organized access to courses required for application to most medical schools while completing their accredited engineering degree.

Admission Requirements

The application process is the same as for all undergraduate programs (see Admissions). Applicants will be evaluated by the School of Engineering Admissions Council and final acceptance will be based on each applicant’s qualifications and the availability of places. More details are found in the SOE Admissions Quick Guide.


A total of 154 credits are required to graduate, distributed as follows:

  • Mechanical Engineering Major Requirements (85 credits)
  • General Engineering Requirements (17 credits)
  • Math and Science Requirements (34 credits)
  • LAS Requirements (18 credits)

Additionally, a minimum residency of four years, including three summer terms, is required.

Mechanical Engineering Major Requirements (85 credits)

  • CIE200 Statics (3 cr.)
  • MEE212 Computer Applications in MEE (2 cr.)
  • MEE241 Dynamics (3 cr.)
  • MEE301 Thermodynamics (3 cr.)
  • MEE302 Energy Conversion (3 cr.)
  • MEE311 Fluid Mechanics (3 cr.)
  • MEE312 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (1 cr.)
  • MEE320 Strength of Materials (3 cr.)
  • MEE321 Material Properties and Processes (3 cr.)
  • MEE332 Manufacturing Processes (3 cr.)
  • MEE333 Manufacturing Laboratory (1 cr.)
  • MEE341 Kinematics of Machines (3 cr.)
  • MEE351 Computer Aided Design (3 cr.)
  • MEE391 Instrumentation and Measurements (3 cr.)
  • MEE403 Heat Transfer (3 cr.)
  • MEE404 Heat Transfer Laboratory (1 cr.)
  • MEE414 Thermal Systems Design (3 cr.)
  • MEE422 Mechanical Engineering Design (3 cr.)
  • MEE442 Mechanical Vibrations (3 cr.)
  • MEE443 Mechanical Vibrations - Laboratory (1 cr.)
  • MEE445 Control Systems (3 cr.)
  • MEE446 Control Systems Laboratory (1 cr.)
  • MEE491 Seminar on Contemporary Issues (2 cr.)
  • MEE498 Professional Experience (6 cr.)
  • MEE515  Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (3 cr.)
  • MEE591 Project I (3 cr.)
  • MEE592 Project II (3 cr.)
  • MEE593 Capstone Engineering Design (1 cr.)
  • Technical Elective Courses (12 cr.) 1

 Technical Elective Courses (12 credits)

  • INE527 Project Scheduling (3 cr.)
  • INE529 Project Contracting (3 cr.)
  • MEE407 Internal Combustion Engines (3 cr.)
  • MEE500 Renewable Energy (3cr.)
  • MEE503 Power Plant Engineering (3cr.)
  • MEE506 Vehicle Powertrain Systems (3cr.)
  • MEE507 Advanced Powertrain Systems (3cr.)
  • MEE514 Computational Fluid Dynamics (3cr.)
  • MEE517 Turbo Machinery (3cr.)
  • MEE519 Piping Network and Fire Protection Systems (3cr.)
  • MEE520 Composite of Materials (3cr)
  • MEE521 Finite Element Methods (3 cr.)
  • MEE532 Advanced Manufacturing and AI (3cr.)
  • MEE533 CAD/CAM (3 cr.)
  • MEE535 Micro and Surface Engineering (3cr.)
  • MEE536 Plastics Manufacturing (3 cr.)
  • MEE540 Introduction to Robotics (3 cr.)
  • MEE547 Robotics and Intelligent Systems (3 cr.)
  • MEE570 CFD for Wind Energy Engineering (3cr.)
  • MEE590 Energy Audit (3 cr.)
  • MEE594 Undergraduate Research Project (3cr.)
  • MEE599 Topics in Mechanical Engineering (3 cr.)

General Engineering Requirements (17 credits)

  • COE212 Engineering Programming (3 cr.)
  • ELE305 Introduction to Electrical Engineering (3 cr.)
  • GNE301 Professional Communication (2 cr.)
  • GNE303 Engineering Ethics (2 cr.)
  • INE320 Engineering Economy I (3 cr.)
  • INE428 Project Management (3 cr.)
  • MEE211 Engineering Graphics (1 cr.)

Math and Science Requirements (34 credits)

  • GNE331  Probability and Statistics (3 cr.)
  • GNE333  Engineering Analysis (3 cr.)
  • MTH201 Calculus III (3 cr.)
  • MTH206 Calculus IV (3 cr.)
  • MTH304 Differential Equations (3 cr.)
  • BIO201/BIO201B General Biology I/Lab (4 cr.)
  • CHM005 Preparatory Chemistry (0 cr.)
  • CHM201 Chemical Principles (3cr)
  • CHM311 Organic Chemistry (3cr)
  • BCH300 Essentials of Biochemistry Organic Chemistry (3cr)
  • BIO321 Genetics (3 cr.)
  • BIO260 Human Anatomy and Physiology (3 cr.)

LAS Requirements (18 credits)

Core Courses (6 credits)

  • ENG202 Advanced Academic English (3 cr.)
  • COM203 Art of Public Communication (3 cr.)

*While sitting for the MCAT entrance exams does not require candidates to have taken any particular liberal arts course, some questions may require knowledge of psychology and sociology. It is therefore recommended that students in the pre-med track take PSY201 Intro to Psychology and SOC201 Intro to Sociology to increase their chances of passing the MCAT. These courses do not count towards meeting the university requirements of Liberal Arts and Science Curriculum, and thus they will need to be taken above and beyond the required 12 credits of LASC electives.

Recommended Study Plan

Year One

Fall (17 credits)

  • COE212 Engineering Programming (3 cr.)
  • ENG202 Advanced Academic English (3 cr.)
  • CIE200 Statics (3 cr.)
  • MEE211 Engineering Graphics (1 cr.)
  • MTH201 Calculus III (3 cr.)
  • BIO201    General Biology I (3 cr.)  
  • BIO201B General Biology I Lab (1 cr.)

Spring (18 credits)

  • ELE305 Introduction to Electrical Engineering (3 cr.)
  • MTH206 Calculus IV (3 cr.)
  • MTH304 Differential Equations (3 cr.)
  • MEE241 Dynamics (3 cr.)
  • CHM201 Chemical Principles (3 cr.)
  • CHM005 Preparatory Chemistry (0 cr.)
  • BIO260 Human Anatomy and Physiology (3 cr.)

Summer (9 credits)

  • GNE331 Probability and Statistics (3 cr.)
  • GNE333 Engineering Analysis (3 cr.)
  • CHM311 Organic Chemistry (3cr)

Year Two

Fall (18 credits)

  • MEE212 Computer Applications in MEE (2 cr.)
  • MEE301 Thermodynamics (3 cr.)
  • MEE311 Fluid Mechanics (3 cr.)
  • MEE312 Fluid Mechanics - Laboratory (1 cr.)
  • MEE321 Material Properties and Processes (3 cr.)
  • MEE351 Computer Aided Design (3 cr.)
  • BIO321 Genetics (3 cr.)

Spring (17 credits)

  • MEE320 Strength of Materials (3 cr.)
  • MEE332 Manufacturing Processes (3 cr.)
  • MEE333 Manufacturing Laboratory (1 cr.)
  • MEE341 Kinematics of Machines (3 cr.)
  • MEE391 Instrumentation and Measurements (3 cr.)
  • MEE403 Heat Transfer (3 cr.)
  • MEE404 Heat Transfer Laboratory (1 cr.)

Summer (8 credits)

  • COM203 Art of Public Communication (3 cr.)
  • GNE301 Professional Communication (2 cr.)
  • LAS Elective (1/4) (3 cr.)

Year Three

Fall (16 credits)

  • GNE303 Engineering Ethics (2 cr.)
  • MEE414 Thermal Systems Design (3 cr.)
  • MEE442 Mechanical Vibrations (3 cr.)
  • MEE443 Mechanical Vibrations Laboratory (1 cr.)
  • MEE445 Control Systems (3 cr.)
  • MEE446 Control Systems laboratory (1 cr.)
  • BCH300 Essentials of Biochemistry Organic Chemistry (3 cr.)

Spring (17 credits)

  • INE428 Project Management (3 cr.)
  • MEE302 Energy Conversion (3 cr.)
  • MEE422 Mechanical Engineering Design (3 cr.)
  • MEE491 Seminar on Contemporary Issues (2 cr.)
  • LAS Elective (2/4) (3 cr.)
  • LAS Elective (3/4) (3 cr.)

Summer (6 credits)

  • MEE498 Professional Experience (6 cr.)

Year Four

Fall (13 credits)

  • MEE515 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (3 cr.)
  • MEE591 Project I (3 cr.)
  • MEE593 Capstone Engineering Design (1 cr.)
  • Technical Elective (1/4) (3 cr.)
  • Technical Elective (2/4) (3 cr.)

Spring (15 credits)

  • INE320 Engineering Economy (3cr.)
  • MEE592 Project II (3cr.)
  • Technical Elective (3/4) (3 cr.)
  • Technical Elective (4/4) (3 cr.)
  • LAS Elective (4/4) (3 cr.)