Academic Catalog 2024–2025

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Teaching Diploma in Education


Teaching Diploma (T.D.) students choose one of three areas:

  1. TD Intermediate or Secondary (for Students holding, or working for, a BA/BS in a different major)
  2. Professional Development TD (For students who already have a BA/BS but cannot get the equivalence from MEHE)
  3. TD for students who already hold a BA/BS in Education

Program Objectives

Teaching Diploma graduates will:

  1. Develop pedagogical content knowledge building on existing knowledge in their areas of specialization.
  2. Communicate ideas effectively in many modalities, drawing on up-to date technologies.
  3. Demonstrate professional dispositions including commitment to continuous personal and professional development, professional ethics, collaborating with colleagues, equity, social justice, and the profession as a whole.

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Teaching Diploma will be able to:

  1. Analyse various theories and movements in education and discuss their implications for curriculum and instruction. (Program Objective 1)
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of general curricular objectives, scope and sequence and use this knowledge in planning. (Program Objective 1)
  3. Develop level specific pedagogical content knowledge building on existing knowledge in their areas of specialization. (Program Objective 1)
  4. Select, design and implement appropriate instruction, management, and assessment strategies for teaching in the area of emphasis. (Program Objective 2)
  5. Demonstrate ethical professional practice. (Program Objective 3)
  6. Demonstrate initiative in seeking out and participating in professional development opportunities. (Program Objective 3)
  7. Engage in research that improves practice. (Program Objective 2)


The Teaching Diploma in Education requires 21 credits over and above the bachelor’s degree requirements. These credits may be taken in combination with the bachelor’s degree courses, or as a post B.A./B.S. program, and may be completed in one academic year.

Note: According to the MEHE’s requirements for TD equivalence, a Teaching Diploma requires 21 credits over and above a BA or BS. BA and TD requirements should be completed in no less than four years.

Course Listing (required core & electives)

  • EDU500 Seminar in Education
  • EDU501 Educational Psychology for TD students
  • EDU502 ICT for Teaching and Learning
  • EDU503 Curriculum and Instruction for TD
  • EDU504 Assessment and Evaluation for TD students

Choose one Methods course according to emphasis (post-BA/BS courses)

  • EDU505 Teaching of Computer (Int. and Sec.)
  • EDU511 Teaching of Arabic (Int. and Sec.)
  • EDU512 Teaching of English (Int. and Sec.)
  • EDU513 Teaching of Art (Int. and Sec.)
  • EDU514 Teaching of Social Studies (Int. & Sec.)
  • EDU515 Teaching of Math (Int. and Sec.)
  • EDU516 Teaching of Sciences (Int. and Sec.)
  • EDU517 Teaching of Psychology ((Int. and Sec.))
  • EDU518 Teaching of Physical Education (Int. and Sec.)
  • EDU519 Teaching of Economics (Int. and Sec.)

Choose one Practicum course according to emphasis (post-BA/BS courses)

  • EDU520 Practice Teaching of Arts (Int. and Sec.)
  • EDU521 Practice Teaching of Psychology (Int. and Sec.)
  • EDU522 Practice Teaching of Physical Education (Int. and Sec.)
  • EDU523 Practice Teaching Economics (Int. and Sec.)
  • EDU524 Practice Teaching Computer (Int. and Sec.)
  • EDU525 Practice Teaching Math (Int. and Sec.)
  • EDU526  Practice Teaching Science (Int. & Sec.)
  • EDU527 Practice Teaching English (Int. & Sec.)
  • EDU528 Practice Teaching Arabic (Int. & Sec.)
  • EDU529 Practice Teaching Social Studies (Int. & Sec.)

Professional Development TD (in Elementary Education / ECE for Holders of Other-Than-Education BA/BS)

  • EDU500 Seminar in Education
  • EDU501 Educational Psychology for TD students
  • EDU502 ICT for Teaching and Learning
  • EDU503 Curriculum and Instruction for TD
  • EDU504Assessment and Evaluation for TD students
  • + One Method course (according to emphasis) + Practicum II (3 credits)

TD in Elementary or ECE Education (for students holding, or working for, a BA in Education)

  • EDU 500 Seminar in Education
  • EDU 510 Advanced Topics in Education
  • + Choose any three Education Courses + Any 2 elective courses