Academic Catalog 2024–2025

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Minor in Education


The minor in Education provides a broad introduction to education as a field of study and as a fundamental human activity. An education minor will prepare the student well for a variety of careers in related fields.

Program Objectives

The Minor in Education aims to:

  • Engage students from all majors other than education in study about perspectives on teaching and learning.

Learning Outcomes

Graduates with a Minor in Education will:

  • Explore the essential processes of learning and teaching
  • Develop an understanding of the societal forces that influence and shape educational policies
  • Study the issues and trends facing educators and policy makers.


For the Minor in Education, students must complete 18 credits, distributed as follows:

  • Core Requirements (3 credits)
  • Education Electives (15 credits)

Core Courses (3 credits)

  • EDU 201 Fundamentals of Education (3 cr.)

Education Electives (15 credits)

You may choose any five courses from the list below:

  • EDU 203 Reading across the Curriculum (3 cr.)
  • EDU 204 Educational Psychology (3 cr.)
  • EDU 208 Teaching Diverse Learners (3 cr.)
  • EDU 209 English for Elementary Teachers (3 cr.)
  • EDU 211 Math for Elementary Teachers (3 cr.)
  • EDU 308 Multilingualism in the Classroom (3 cr.)