Academic Catalog 2024–2025

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Bachelor of Science in Economics


The mission of the economics program is to train students to become well-rounded economists, giving them solid grounding in economic theory and its applications. The program prepares students for careers in the private or public sectors. The program also serves as a solid foundation for graduate school in economics and related disciplines.

Program Objectives

The B.S. in Economics seeks to:

  1. disseminate knowledge of core economic principles, theories and quantitative tools,
  2. promote students’ ability to use economic analysis for the solution of business and organizational problems,
  3. further students’ understanding of the workings of economic policy instruments and objectives, and the linkages between the public sector and the private economy, and
  4. advance effective written and oral communication.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Bachelor of Science in Economics, the graduate should be able to:

  1. demonstrate knowledge of key economic principles and theories of the macro and micro dimensions of market economies,
  2. express economic relationships using graphic and mathematical tools, and to empirically examine such relationships using regression methods,
  3. propose solutions to a business or economic problem using qualitative and quantitative reasoning,
  4. identify and evaluate the social and ethical implications of economic policy, theory and the market economy,
  5. deliver an effective oral presentation, and
  6. demonstrate effective written communication.


A total of 92 credits are required to graduate, distributed as follows:

  • Business Requirements (12 credits)
  • Quantitative Requirements (10 credits)
  • Economics Requirements (12 credits)
  • Economics Electives (18 credits)
  • LAS Core Courses (13 credits)
  • LAS Electives (15 credits)
  • Free Electives (12 credits)

Business Requirements (12 credits)

  • ACC203 Financial Accounting (3 cr.)
  • ECO340 Economics of Organizations & Management (3 cr.)
  • FIN301 Managerial Finance (3 cr.)
  • MKT201 Introduction to Marketing (3 cr.)

Quantitative Requirements (10 credits)

  • QBA201 Managerial Statistics (3 cr.)
  • ECO304 Mathematical Methods for Economics (3 cr.)
  • ECO332 Introductory Econometrics (4 cr.)

Economics Requirements (12 credits)

  • ECO201 Microeconomics (3 cr.)
  • ECO202 Macroeconomics (3 cr.)
  • ECO305 Intermediate Microeconomics (3 cr.)
  • ECO306 Intermediate Macroeconomics (3 cr.)

Economics Electives (18 credits)

Choose 3 credits from

  • ECO344 Economics, Ethics and Philosophy (3 cr.)
  • ECO346 Foundations of Political Economy (3 cr.)

Choose 3 credits from

  • ECO311 Economic Development (3 cr.)
  • ECO333 Comparative Economic Systems (3 cr.)

Choose 12 credits from

  • ECO320 Environmental, Resource & Energy Economics (3 cr.)
  • ECO335 International Economics (3 cr.)
  • ECO342 Labor & Human Resource Economics (3 cr.)
  • ECO402 Special Topics in Economics (3 cr.)
  • ECO420 Monetary Theory & Policy (3 cr.)
  • ECO422 Public Finance (3 cr.)

LAS Core Courses (6 credits)

LAS Electives (18 credits)

Free Electives (16 credits)

Recommended Study Plan

Year One (30 credits)

  • ACC203 Financial Accounting (3 cr.)
  • ECO201 Microeconomics (3 cr.)
  • ECO202 Macroeconomics (3 cr.)
  • MKT201 Introduction to Marketing (3 cr.)
  • QBA201 Managerial Statistics (3 cr.)
  • LAS Core (3 cr.)
  • LAS Elective (6 cr.)
  • Free Elective (6 cr.)

Year Two (31 credits)

  • ECO304 Mathematical Methods for Economics (3 cr.)
  • ECO305 Intermediate Microeconomics (3 cr.)
  • ECO306 Intermediate Macroeconomics (3 cr.)
  • ECO332 Introductory Econometrics (4 cr.)
  • FIN301 Managerial Finance (3 cr.)
  • Economics Elective (3 cr.)
  • LAS Core (3 cr.)
  • LAS Electives (6 cr.)
  • Free Electives (3 cr.)

Year Three (31 credits)

  • ECO311 Economic Development (3 cr.)1
  • ECO340 Economics of Organizations & Management (3 cr.)
  • ECO344 Economics, Ethics & Philosophy (3 cr.)2
  • Economics Electives (9 cr.)
  • LAS Electives (6 cr.)
  • Free Electives (7 cr.)

1 or ECO333 Comparative Economic Systems (3 cr.)

2 or ECO346 Foundations of Political Economy (3 cr.)

Extracurricular Activities

Economics majors have the opportunity to do a semester abroad at SciencePo (France), Warsaw School of Economics and other universities.

Career Opportunities

Students are prepared to work immediately after graduation in business, government and finance, or to pursue graduate studies in economics, business, law, public administration, international relations, and related fields. The following is a suggestive list of career opportunities available to our graduates:

  • Economist positions in the banking sector
  • Economist positions in the public sector
  • Economic consultancy positions
  • Management consultancy positions
  • Management positions
  • Business and economic reporting positions
  • Policy advising positions (local and international organizations)
  • Graduate work in Economics
  • Graduate work in Finance
  • Graduate work in Administration