Academic Catalog 2024–2025

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Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering


Associate Professors

  • Nissrine El Hassan, Ph.D., Chemical Engineering

Visiting Assistant Professors

  • Elie Chalhoub, Ph.D., Chemical Engineering


Chemical Engineers, sometimes called “universal engineers”, are needed to solve a wide range of problems in industries. This offers the chemical engineering graduates endless opportunities worldwide.

In addition, and in the current socio-economic situation in Lebanon, the manufacturing of local products such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, and energy systems is being expanded due to their affordability to the consumer. This is leading to a high demand for chemical engineers. Also, the extraction of Lebanon’s oil and gas reserves in the near future will require chemical engineers to design and maintain the refining and purification operations required for the processing of the extracted oil and gas.

The chemical engineering program at the Lebanese American University offers a strong theoretical and experiential background in chemical engineering with a variety of concentrations that offer a large choice to students for specialization and work in areas like Energy, Environmental Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, and Separation and Process Control. With hands-on experience in both experimental and simulation, LAU graduates will be able to design sustainable, competitive, and environmentally friendly processes starting from the molecular level up to the full industrial one.


The mission of the Chemical Engineering Program is to equip the graduates with all skills and knowledge necessary to design and analyze chemical processes to efficiently convert raw materials into useful products such as chemicals, fuels, foods, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, advanced materials, plastics, and others.

Program Educational Objectives

The students will acquire in their matriculation through the program, the following skills, knowledge, and behaviors:

  1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
  5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Admission Requirements

The application process is the same as for all undergraduate programs (see Admissions). Applicants will be evaluated by the School of Engineering Admissions Council and final acceptance will be based on each applicant’s qualifications and the availability of places.

Curriculum /Recommended Study Plan

Year One

Fall (17 credits)

  • BIO201 General Biology I (3 cr.)
  • MTH201 Calculus III (3 cr.)
  • CHM201 Chemical Principles (3 cr.)
  • CHM005 Preparatory Chemistry (0 cr.)
  • GNE212 Engineering Mechanics (3 cr.)
  • MEE211 Engineering Graphics (1 cr.)
  • COE201 Computer Proficiency (1 cr.)
  • ENG202 Advanced Academic English (3 cr.)

Spring (15 credits)

  • CHE200 Introduction to Chemical Engineering (3 cr.)
  • COE212 Engineering Programming (3 cr.)
  • MTH206 Calculus IV (3 cr.)
  • MTH304 Differential Equations 7(3 cr.)
  • LAS Elective (3 cr.)

Summer (9 credits)

  • GNE331 Probability & Statistics (3 cr.)
  • GNE333 Engineering Analysis I (3 cr.)
  • LAS Elective (3 cr.)

Year Two

Fall (16 credits)

  • CHE301 Transport Phenomena (3 cr.)
  • CHE313 Organic Chemistry I (3 cr.)
  • CHE314 Organic Chemistry I Lab (1 cr.)
  • MEE311 Fluid Mechanics (3 cr.)
  • MEE312 Fluid Mechanics - Lab (1 cr.)
  • GNE303 Engineering Ethics (2 cr.)
  • MEE301 Engineering Thermodynamics (3 cr.)

Spring (17 credits)

  • CHE323 Organic Chemistry II (3 cr.)
  • CHE324 Organic Chemistry II LAB (1 cr.)
  • CHE340 Physical Chemistry (3 cr.)
  • CHE341 Physical Chemistry Lab (1 cr.)
  • CHE320 Chemical Reactions and Chemical Reactors (3 cr.)
  • ELE305 Introduction to Electrical Engineering (3 cr.)
  • MEE321 Material Properties and Processes (3 cr.)

Summer (8 credits)

  • COM203 Art of Public Communication (3 cr.)
  • GNE301 Professional Communication (2 cr.)
  • LAS Elective (3 cr.)

Year Three

Fall (15 credits)

  • CHE402 Separation Processes I (3 cr.)
  • CHE450 Introduction to Process Control (3 cr.)
  • CHE460 HSE for Chemical Engineering (3 cr.)
  • CHE421 Advanced Reactor Design (3 cr.)
  • INE320 Engineering Economy (3 cr.)

Spring (15 credits)

  • CHE434 Chemical Engineering Profession (2 cr.)
  • CHE403 Separation Processes II (3 cr.)
  • CHE451 Chemical Engineering Lab (1 cr.)
  • CHE411 Fundamentals of Catalysis (2 cr.)
  • MEE403 Heat Transfer (3 cr.)
  • MEE404 Heat Transfer Lab (1 cr.)
  • GNE—- Engineering Signature Course (3 cr.)

Summer (6 credits)

  • CHE498 Professional Experience (6 cr.)

Fourth year

Fall (17 credits)

  • CHE552  Chemical Process Design (3 cr.)
  • CHE553  Chemical Process Design Lab (2 cr.)
  • CHE591  Capstone Design I (3 cr.)
  • CHEXXX Technical Elective (3 cr.)
  • CHEXXX Technical Elective (3 cr.)
  • LAS Elective (3 cr.)

Spring (15 credits)

  • CHE592 Capstone Design II (3 cr.)
  • CHEXXX Technical Elective (3 cr.)
  • CHEXXX Technical Elective (3 cr.)
  • CHEXXX Technical Elective (3 cr.)
  • GNEXXX SOE Signature Course (3 cr.)

For further academic details, please contact Dr. Caesar Abi Shdid, Program Coordinator.