Academic Catalog 2024–2025

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Master of Arts in Education


The mission of the M.A. in Education at LAU is to prepare aspiring professionals in the field of education to become leaders, change agents, effective educational practitioners and educational researchers.

Program Objectives

Students who complete the M.A. in Education will:

  1. gain critical understanding of curriculum and pedagogy
  2. develop dispositions for continuous professional development and leadership
  3. conduct educational research

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  1. develop curriculum materials for teaching
  2. implement evidence-based instructional strategies
  3. demonstrate compliance with ethical educational standards
  4. analyze professional educational resources
  5. implement data-driven decision making
  6. formulate educational research topics and designs
  7. engage in critical data-based reflection on educational practices


A total of 30 credits are required to graduate. Students choose one of two tracks — the Cross Track or Specialist Area. Credits are distributed as follows:

  • Education Core Courses (5 courses, 12 credits)
  • Elective (3 credits)
  • Cross Track (9 credits) or Specialist Area (9 credits)
  • Capstone (6 credits)

Education Core Courses (12 credits)

  • EDU730 Curriculum Design (3 cr.)
  • EDU731 Research Methods (3 cr.)
  • EDU732 Educational Technology (3 cr.)
  • EDU733 Advanced Educational Psychology (3 cr.)
  • EDU700 Graduate Workshop (0 cr.)

Elective (3 credits)

Students may choose one from the following:

  • EDU740 Trends & Issues in Early & Middle Childhood Education (3 cr.)
  • EDU741 Special Education for All Educators (3 cr.)
  • EDU742 Behavior Modification Techniques (3 cr.)
  • EDU743 Trends and Issues in Teaching, Learning, & Assessment (3 cr.)
  • EDU745 Educational Policies & Social Impact (3 cr.)
  • EDU748 Topics in Education (3 cr.)
  • Any Education course from other specialist areas


Students choose one of the two options below.

  • Cross Track (9 credits)
    Choose any three EDU courses at the graduate level.
  • Specialist Area (9 credits)
    Choose one emphasis from the following areas below.

Specialist Area 1: Management & Leadership (9 credits)

  • EDU751 Leading & Managing Schools/Educational Institutions (3 cr.)
  • EDU752 Trends & Issues in Educational Management (3 cr.)
  • EDU753 School Effectiveness & Improvement (3 cr.)

Specialist Area 2: Teaching of English for Speakers of Other Languages (9 credits)

  • EDU761 Trends & Issues in TESOL (3 cr.)
  • EDU762 Sociolinguistics & Social Context of Language (3 cr.)
  • EDU763 Discourse & Materials Development (3 cr.)

Specialist Area 3: Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) Education (9 credits)

  • EDU771 Pedagogical & Cognitive Foundations of STEM Education (3 cr.)
  • EDU772 Trends & Issues in STEM Education (3 cr.)
  • EDU773 Research in STEM Education (3 cr.)

Capstone (6 credits)

Students may choose one of the following two options:

  • EDU798 Project in Education (3 credits) + one Education elective course (3 credits)
  • EDU799 Thesis in Education (6 credits)