Academic Catalog 2024–2025

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PHA571 Professional Pharmacy Practice – Community Experience

[0–6, 6 cr.]

This course provides opportunities to evaluate, analyze, and come up with a treatment plan after gathering all necessary information from patients and healthcare professionals and performing a literature review with emphasis on primary literature and treatment guidelines. Students apply professional communications skills acquired in previous courses and during their internship training in order to present patient cases and recommend treatment plans. Critical thinking is key in this course, where students have to analyze the collected patient information and defend their recommendations and thinking process. Students develop competency in each of the following pharmacy functions: Dispensing medication orders, OTC and herbal products; counseling; knowledge of drug generic and brand names available on the market, with their different dosage forms available; reviewing patient profiles for drug interactions, medication noncompliance and inappropriate drug therapy; and basic administrative skills.

Prerequisite: Passing all the PHA courses from the professional years 1 and 2

Co-requisite: Professional Year 3 status