Academic Catalog 2024–2025

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MIG765 Migration and Development

[3–0, 3 cr.]

This seminar examines the most relevant issues concerning the relationship between migration and development. The complex dynamics that characterize the interconnection between migration and development including socio-political (state-, society- and household- related), economic (labor-, income- and capital-related), and legal (human rights, international and regional policy) factors will be reviewed. The course acknowledges that, in both sending and receiving countries, different patterns of migration – circular, return, temporary, permanent, regular/irregular – may have different impacts on development. Push factors (underemployment and unemployment; poverty; poor access to welfare; low rewards to skills; poor governance, political or civil instability, etc.), and pull factors (jobs availability; higher incomes; social security; higher education; networks of previous migrants; etc.) will also be examined. Debates on the impact of development include destination and origin countries. To what extent do governments foster development along with migrant communities and host countries with migration-induced development through confidence building, infrastructure, skills training, etc.? Under what conditions does migration of skills result in a brain drain or a brain gain for sending countries?