Academic Catalog 2024–2025

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Interior Architecture Courses

INAR201 Architectural Drawing

[1–4, 3 cr.]

This course introduces the formal representation of architecture through orthographic projections and auxiliary drawings; proportion, plans, sections, elevations, isometric, axonometric, perspective and shade & shadows. This course will also introduce students to the various tools and techniques of technical drawing using pencil and ink.

INAR331 Design Studio III

[2–4.5, 5 cr.]

This course is a concrete application of conceptual and perceptual analysis of interior design problems of small and medium scale. The process emphasizes the explorations of the relation between body, form and space on a given site and stresses on the development of representational tools, in translating ideas into architectural drawings and models.

Prerequisites: FND236 Design Studio II, INAR201 Architectural Drawing

INAR332 Design Studio IV

[2–4.5, 5 cr.]

This course addresses the elaboration of medium scale projects based on spatial analysis and synthesis with emphasis on the communication of ideas through different representational models and tools. Case studies of canonical works will serve as reference in the continuing development of a theoretical foundation.

Prerequisite: INAR331 Design Studio III

INAR351 Digital Drawing

[2–2, 3 cr.]

This course specifically addresses architectural applications in digital graphics, for drafting of architectural plans, sections, elevations, 3D representations, and details. The course will familiarize students with techniques of 2D drafting and 3D modeling through manipulation of geometrical and freeform objects leading to the development of a complete project.

Pre-requisite: FND251 Digital Media, INAR201 Architectural Drawing

INAR352 Digital Modeling

[2–2, 3 cr.]

This course expands on the skills learned in digital drawing to reach advanced visualization of space related to design issues. The course will cover user-defined lighting and materials application in order to generate realistic 3D renderings, walk-through, while enabling students to explore new software and digital design tools.

Pre-requisite: INAR351 Digital Drawing

INAR373 Formal Principles

[3–0, 3 cr.]

This course introduces the basic principles and formal concepts that constitute an ‘architectural language’, such as proportion, rhythm, harmony, hierarchy, as evidenced in historical precedents from antiquity to the 18th century. Spatial concepts are examined and initiate students to diagrammatic analysis, and to the understanding of the impact of technical developments, and ideologies underlying the historical architectural movements.

Pre-requisites: FND281 Design Culture and ENG102 Academic English II

INAR421 Design Technology

[3–0, 3 cr.]

This course will cover the integration of the various building systems (structural, mechanical and plumbing) in the design process. It will also introduce lighting, electrical installations, energy conservation and sustainable design, with an analysis of their impact on the design of interior spaces. Through weekly lectures and case studies, the course aims to give a comprehensive understating of the principles that underlie the construction and integration of technical systems and components in interior design.

Co-requisite: INAR431 Design Studio V

INAR422 Materials and Detailing

[3–0, 3 cr.]

This course focuses on interior design applications and explores different finishing materials and construction techniques used in interiors with attention to problems of jointing, insulation, finishes, and their application to specific design problems.

Co-requisite: INAR432 Design Studio VI

INAR431 Design Studio V

[2–4.5, 5 cr.]

This studio addresses complex program and material applications in interior design, focusing on details, finishes, and environmental factors as essential parameters in the development and resolution of a design project. 

Prerequisite: INAR332 Design Studio IV, INAR351 Digital Drawing

INAR432 Design Studio VI

[2–4.5, 5 cr.]

This comprehensive interior design studio explores mixed use programs, address sustainability, building technologies and systems, as well as integrate furniture, materials and colors as part of the design strategy.

Prerequisite: INAR431 Design Studio V, INAR421 Design Technology I

INAR441 Lighting Design

[2–2, 3 cr.]

This course introduces conceptual and practical lighting design techniques for interior design application. Lectures will cover the history and theory of lighting design, principles of sustainability, natural and artificial use of light as it applies to interior spaces. Students will explore fundamental design principles involving spatial composition, color, form, contrast, pattern, material, and texture in lighting of different interior spaces.

Pre-requisite: INAR332 Design Studio IV

INAR442 Textiles for Interiors

[2–2, 3 cr.]

This course is an introduction to textile design covering knitted, woven and nonwoven processes, materials, polymers, color usage and dyes, design and patterns. The emphasis is on residential and commercial usage.

Pre-requisite: INAR332 Design Studio IV

INAR443 Stage Design

[2–2, 3 cr.]

This studio course will explore scenography in relation to architecture and the spatial arts. It will address the wide range of contemporary practices from playhouse theatre to site-specific installations, to landscape art.

Pre-requisite: INAR332 Design Studio IV

INAR471 Modern Interiors

[3–0, 3 cr.]

This course provides an in-depth survey of major movements in the Twentieth century along with a study of related theoretical texts. The lectures will cover important canonical projects and built works that affected the development of architecture and interior design around the world, from early modernism to post-modernism and more recent trends.  

Prerequisite: FND281 Design Culture and ENG102 Academic English II

INAR480 Topics in Interior Architecture

[3–0, 3 cr.]

This series of courses deals with specific topics of current importance that are not covered in the regular Interior Architecture and Design curriculum. The topics and themes dealt with will vary depending on contemporary problematics with the purpose of enriching students’ exposure to these issues. Every course in this series will be assigned a subtitle once the theme has been defined and listed in the course offering.

Prerequisite: INAR332 Interior Design Studio IV

INAR481 Construction Documents

[2–4, 4 cr.]

This course consists of a preparation of a detailed set of working drawings for the execution of an interior design project, beginning with the architectural plans with details at appropriate scale, to the electrical and mechanical plans, furniture plans, finishing and construction details, in addition to a basic overview of the design codes applied regionally and internationally.

Co-requisite: INAR432 Design Studio VI

INAR502 Internship

[0–480, 9 cr.]

This course is an introduction to professional practice, with introductory lectures that outline the basics of job search, applications, and practical training, to be followed by a documented practical experience (480 work hours) in a professional firm, approved by the department.

Prerequisite: INAR531 Design Studio VII
Passing Grade: P

INAR531 Design Studio VII

[2–6, 6 cr.]

This studio allows each student to individually explore an important contemporary problematic in interior design and develop a synthesis in a project of their choice. The final project should develop from a critical study that simultaneously addresses the various theoretical and technical aspects of the design within the parameters set for the final project.

Prerequisites: INAR432 Design Studio VI, INAR481 Construction Documents

INAR541 Furniture Design

[2–0, 2 cr.]

This course is a survey of the major changes in the design of furniture, from the period of late Renaissance and Rococo, to the Styles Period of the 18th and 19th centuries, Arts and Crafts, and modern and contemporary furniture design. The course also covers experimentations on furniture design and initiates the different technologies in the design processes.

Pre-requisite: INAR332 Design Studio IV

INAR580 Topics in Interior Design

[2–2, 3 cr.]

This series of courses will deal with specific topics of current importance, and which are not covered in the Interior Design curriculum. The topics and themes dealt with will vary depending on contemporary problematic with the purpose of enriching students’ exposure to these issues. Every course in this series will be assigned a subtitle once the theme has been defined and listed in the course offering.

Pre-requisite: INAR431 Design Studio V                                                     

INAR582 Professional Practice

[2–0, 2 cr.]

This course introduces the business aspects of the interior design practice through the exploration of the ethical, legal, financial, aspects and design services marketing strategies. It also equips the students with the knowledge and skills to manage projects effectively by introducing the management and economic principles such as client/contractor relations, contract preparation and negotiation, budgeting, and scheduling.   

Pre-requisite: INAR432 Design Studio VI

INAR591 International Studio

[1–4, 3 cr.]

This course involves a study abroad covering the specific works of classical or modern architecture, supported by a preparatory series of lectures/presentations on the subject of study. Students are required to study, analyze and document specific works including their relationship to the urban history and culture of the area, which will be presented in a portfolio.

Prerequisite: INAR432 Design Studio VI