Academic Catalog 2024–2025

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Instructional Construction Management Courses

ICM601 Construction Project Estimating and Planning

[3–0, 3 cr.]

Theory of quantity takeoffs. Computerization of cost estimates, CSI divisions and applying personal judgement. Integration of VE into the construction planning and management process, use of quality modeling and developing a VE job plan. Scheduling basics and CPM, resource management, alternative and advanced scheduling techniques.


ICM602 Contracts, Decision Making and Risk Analysis in Construction

[3–0, 3 cr.]

Decision analysis process and policy. Decision criteria, utility functions and decision trees. International project risk management and modeling techniques. Nature of construction contracts, stipulated-sum contracts, cost-plus-fee contracts, unit price contracts, contracts with quantities, and design-build contracts. Sub contracts and supply contracts. Contract bidding types and strategies, profit margins, and contract negotiations. FIDIC. Construction law, performance bonds, payment bonds, insurance, proving costs and damages, and bankruptcy. Construction law case studies.


ICM611 Accounting and Finance in International Construction

[3–0, 3 cr.]

Construction accounting systems, accounting transactions, currency exchanges and currency devaluations, depreciation, profit margins, and profit center analysis. Cash flows in construction projects, taxes, and time value of money. Financing the construction company’s financial needs. Contract administration, record keeping and reporting, electronic project administration systems across time zones, using specifications in contract administration. Meetings and negotiations; measurement and payment.


ICM612 Construction Labor Productivity and International Regulations

[3–0, 3 cr.]

Construction international labor, labor unions, labor productivity measurements and benchmarking. Labor relations, human factors in construction, stress, incentives, absenteeism, job stress and turnover. Cultural issues of international labor crews. Productivity enhancement, understanding and managing schedule acceleration, productivity models, and quantifying lost productivity. Construction purchasing and international supply chain management, supply sourcing process and procedures, supplier selection and evaluation, construction supply chain complexity and business models.


ICM621 Safety in Construction

[3–0, 3 cr.]

Construction safety issues, concerns, requirements and procedures. International, governmental, and construction industry requirements of safety and loss control regulations. International safety cultures. The analysis includes costs, planning, administration, inspection, prevention, loss control and drug-free workplace. Understanding of the major health issues encountered on construction sites. OSHA 1926 subdivisions and regulations.


ICM622 Construction Equipment and Temporary Construction

[3–0, 3 cr.]

Construction equipment: cost, planning, accounting, productivity, and fleet management. Earthmoving equipment, foundation equipment, and concrete equipment. Cranes: tower cranes, mobile cranes and crawler cranes. Crane load charts, foundation design, crane assembly, load rigging and safety, derricks. Temporary structures used in construction. Scaffold and shoring types and design. Formwork and temporary sign design. Bracing of temporary structures.


ICM623 Construction Jobsite Management and Drawings and Specifications

[3–0, 3 cr.]

Construction jobsite management. Site analysis, site planning, and site layout. Jobsite traffic management. Site grading and drainage. Construction drawings: scales, views, symbols, and dimensions. Navigating and interpreting a set of construction drawings, references and schedules. Site drawings, architectural and structural drawings, mechanical and electrical drawings, cladding and exterior drawings, interior drawings, and roof systems.


ICM630 BIM and AI in Construction Management

[3–0, 3 cr.]

Building information modeling and its use in construction. Advances in artificial intelligence and applications in construction management: bidding, risk analysis, scheduling and estimating applications. Use of robotics in construction and implications on productivity and quality.


ICM635 Sustainable Construction

[3–0, 3 cr.]

The structure of matter and ecology of living systems. Whole system thinking. USGBC LEED system. Site and natural energy, water resources usage and sustainable landscaping. Building operations, HVAC systems, and renewable energy and storage. Sustainable materials and resources. Indoor air, light and views quality. Innovative sustainable design. Cost implications of green buildings. Sustainable construction team project.


ICM640 Claims and Dispute Resolution

[3–0, 3 cr.]

Construction dispute prevention strategies. Partnering. Negotiations and dispute review boards. Nonbinding dispute resolution. Binding dispute resolution: mediation and arbitration. Court alternatives and litigation. Conflict management plan. International aspects of construction dispute resolution. Case studies.


ICM696A Ethics and Leadership in Construction Management

[3–0, 3 cr.]

This course is an analytical excursion into the behavior aspects of leadership, particularly as it relates to the moral responsibility of the construction professional as a leader. The course first introduces the fundamental leadership theories, namely the traits’ approach, the behavior approach, the contingency approach, and the contemporary approach. The course then tackles ethics, moral philosophy, including universalism, utilitarianism, and virtual ethics for the purpose to promote good stewardship in the construction industry.


ICM696B Entrepreneurship in Construction Management

[3–0, 3 cr.]

Concepts and practices of entrepreneurial thinking in Construction Management. Business planning and fundamental knowledge on establishing start-up companies. Innovative projects implementation in large construction companies for process improvement and optimum efficiency.