Academic Catalog 2024–2025

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HST243 Economic History of the Middle East

[3–0, 3 cr.]

This course provides a country by country account of economic development in the Middle East and North Africa from early modern to modern times. Emphasis may be put on the shift from early cottage industries to the rudimentary irri­gation schemes and cotton cultivation in Mohammad Ali’s Egypt. The collapse of Ottoman finances and the growing dependence on international financers may be another topic as well as the increased international competition in the textile and cotton industry. The importance of the region for the major trade routes between Europe and Asia will be emphasized throughout. Key events are the opening of Suez Canal in 1869, the High Dam project and the discovery of oil in Arabia. Charles Issawi’s classic work on the economic history of the region is used as a guide for basic readings along with other more recent authoritative treatments of specific economic issues.