Electrical Engineering Courses
ELE300 Electric Circuits
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course covers resistors, capacitors and inductors; voltage and current sources; voltage and current laws, node and mesh analysis, network theorems, power and energy; ideal operational amplifiers; DC and sinusoidal excitation of circuits, time-domain and frequency-domain response of circuits; transfer functions; transformers, resonant circuits and filter design.
Prerequisite: PHY201 Electricity & Magnetism; MTH304 Differential Equations.
ELE303 Electrical Circuits Lab
[0–3, 1 cr.]
This is a lab course with experiments in Electrical Circuits II.
Concurrent with: ELE300 Electric Circuits.
ELE305 Introduction to Electrical Engineering
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course introduces the concepts of resistors, capacitors and inductors, voltage and current sources, operational amplifiers, voltage and current laws, node and mesh analysis, network theorems, power and energy, three-phase circuits, logic circuits, and binary representations .
ELE391 Mathematical Methods in Electrical Engineering
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course introduces foundation knowledge of complex variables and linear algebra with applications to electrical engineering. Topics covered are vector spaces, subspaces, linear dependence/independence, basis; linear transformations and Eigen structure analysis; matrix representations of linear electrical systems; analytic functions of complex variables and contour integrals; Cauchy integral formula.
Prerequisite: MTH304 Differential Equations.
ELE401 Electronics I
[3–0, 3 cr.]
Introduction to electronic circuits using operational amplifiers, PN junction diodes, bipolar junction transistors (BJTs), and MOS field-effect transistors (MOSFETs), including: terminal characteristics, large and small-signal models; configuration and frequency response of single-stage amplifiers with discrete biasing.
Prerequisite: ELE300 Electric Circuits.
ELE402 Electronics I Lab
[0–3, 1 cr.]
This Laboratory explores miscellaneous electronic components. Students perform hands-on experiments to analyze circuits that are based on operational amplifiers, Silicon diodes, Zener diodes, Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs), and Metal Oxide Silicon Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs). Students also evaluate circuits with sensors such as Light-dependent resistors and Photodiodes.
Concurrent with: ELE401 Electronics I.
ELE411 Electromagnetic Fields
[3–0, 3 cr.]
Fundamental concepts of the electromagnetic model, vector analysis, static electric fields, static magnetic fields, steady electric currents, Maxwell’s equations, Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law, Biot-Savart law, Faraday’s law, Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations, Joule’s law, capacitance calculations, inductance calculations, resistance calculations.
Prerequisites: ELE391 Mathematical Methods in Electrical Engineering, and MTH206 Calculus IV.
ELE413 Electromagnetic Waves
[3–0, 3 cr.]
Fundamental concepts of electromagnetic waves, Maxwell’s equations, propagation of plane electromagnetic waves, theory and application of transmission lines, waveguides, antennas.
Prerequisite: ELE411 Electromagnetic Fields.
ELE420 Electromechanics
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course covers three-phase circuit concepts; magnetic circuits; magnetic fields and their surroundings; linear DC machines; power transformers and autotransformers; principles of electric AC machines; synchronous generators; three-phase induction motors.
Prerequisite: ELE300 Electric Circuits.
ELE422 Power Systems
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course provides students with a working knowledge of power system problems and computer techniques to solve some of these problems. Topics include: review of three-phase analysis, complex power, per-unit system, synchronous machines, transformers, autotransformers, and regulating transformers; calculation of transmission line parameters, evaluation of steady state operation of transmission lines; reactive power compensation; line capability; power flow analysis using Gauss-Seidel and Newton-Raphson methods.
Prerequisites: ELE420 Electromechanics, ELE 411 Electromagnetic Fields.
ELE423 Electric Machines Lab
[0–3, 1 cr.]
This course covers the following experiments to study various aspects of electric machines and power systems: fundamentals of electrical power technology; alternating currents; power and impedance in ac circuits; three-phase circuits; single-phase and three-phase transformers; fundamentals of rotating machines; dc motors and generators; ac induction motors; three-phase synchronous generators and motors.
Prerequisite: ELE420 Electromechanics.
ELE430 Signals and Systems
[3–0, 3 cr.]
Signal and system modeling concepts; system modeling and analysis in time domain; the Fourier series; the Fourier transform and its applications; the Laplace transformation and its applications; discrete-time signals and systems; z-transform; analysis and design of digital filters; DFT and FFT.
Prerequisite: ELE300 Electric Circuits, MTH206 Calculus IV.
ELE442 Control Systems
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course covers modeling and dynamical systems, transient-response analysis, response of control systems, root locus analysis, and modern control (state space).
Prerequisite: ELE430 Signals and Systems.
ELE443 Control Systems Lab
[0–3, 1 cr.]
Laboratory experiments in Control Systems. This course introduces students to the implementation of PID- controllers and two-step controllers, first order delay as well as third order delay, such implementation are done using educational PID boards and DC servo boards. Experimentations and analysis use Industrial standard oscilloscopes, and data-acquisition boards interfaced via SIMULINK/MATLAB.
Concurrent with: ELE442 Control Systems.
ELE493 Professionalism in Engineering
[3–0, 3 cr.]
Overview of the nature and scope of engineering profession. Working on a multidisciplinary team environment; professional and ethical responsibility; the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context; contemporary issues; and life-long learning.
Restrictions: Third year standing.
ELE498 Professional Experience
[0–6, 6 cr.]
This course entails professional experience through training in the execution of real-life engineering projects.
Restrictions: Final year standing and the consent of the instructor.
ELE501 Microelectronics
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course provides students with advanced knowledge of integrated circuit theory. Topics include: Single-stage integrated circuit amplifiers; differential and multi-stage amplifiers, integrated-circuits biasing techniques; non-ideal characteristics; frequency response; feedback amplifiers; output stages; digital CMOS logic circuits.
Prerequisite: ELE401 Electronics
ELE521 Electrical Energy Storage Systems
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course covers different types of electrical energy storage systems. It provides a broad understanding of the operating principles and the sizing techniques based on Ragone relation. Topics covered include energy and power analysis, secondary batteries with a focus on lithium-ion batteries, conventional supercapacitors, hybrid supercapacitors, modelling techniques, and state of charge and state of health estimation methods. Hybrid systems that combine two or more energy storage systems will be also discussed.
Prerequisite: ELE302 Electrical Circuits II or ELE300 Electric Circuits or ELE305 Introduction to Electrical Engineering
ELE525 Faulted Power Systems
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course provides students with advanced knowledge of power system evaluation techniques. Topics include: economic load dispatch with generation limits and line losses; impedance model; three-phase symmetrical faults; symmetrical components; and unsymmetrical faults analysis.
Prerequisite: ELE422 Power Systems.
ELE526 Renewable Energy Sources
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course introduces students to the challenges of sustainable energy development that are addressed under the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which consists of 17 urgent actions by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership. The course introduces renewable energy technologies (e.g., hydropower, wind, solar, etc.) and illustrates how they achieve the targets of SDG7 (Affordable and Clean Energy). At the conclusion of the course, students will have a solid technical and economic understanding of these renewable energy technologies.
Restrictions: Senior Standing.
ELE529 Design and Operation of Smart Grids
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course focuses on the concept of smart grids. It offers a basic introduction to the different components of a power system and explores its development in the presence of distributed generation, energy storage and electric vehicles. The course also covers the use of ICT technologies in the development of smart grid applications that enhance the operation of the power system.
Prerequisite: ELE302 Electrical Circuits II or ELE300 Electric Circuits or ELE305 Introduction to Electrical Engineering
ELE531 Optical Fiber Communications (Last Offered Fall 2019)
[3–0, 3 cr.]
Basic principles of point-to-point optical fiber communications, waveguiding and signal degradation in optical fibers, optical sources, photodetectors, WDM components, dimensioning of fiber links for analog and digital transmissions, performance of digital optical communication systems in the presence of noise.
Prerequisite: GNE331 Probability and Statistics.
ELE535 Information and Coding Theory
[3–0, 3 cr.]
Information theory applied to communication systems. It covers digital signals and streams, information measures, data compression, error-correcting codes, block codes, convolutional codes, Viterbi algorithm, noise, maximum-entropy, Markov chains, channel capacity formalism and Shannon’s theorem.
Prerequisite: GNE331 Probability and Statistics
ELE537 Communication Systems
[3–0, 3 cr.]
Basic principles of point-to-point communication link design and analysis, introduction to the theory and principles of modern communication systems, overview of the currently used analog and digital communication techniques and their relative advantages and disadvantages, analog modulation and demodulation, component parts used in analog and digital transceivers.
Prerequisite: ELE430 Signals and Systems, GNE 331 Probability and Statistics.
ELE538 Noise in Communication Systems
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course covers physical noise sources, noise calculations in communication systems, stochastic processes, and communication systems performance in the presence of noise.
Prerequisite: ELE537 Communication Systems.
ELE539 Telecommunication Systems
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course covers spread spectrum and data communications, microwave and satellite links, optical fiber, mobile radio systems, the evolution of mobile radio communications including 2G, 2.5G and 3G, cellular concept, and mobile radio propagation including large-scale path loss.
Prerequisite: ELE537 Communication Systems.
ELE540 Communication Systems Lab
[0–3, 1 cr.]
This is a lab course with experiments in communication systems. The experiments implement the modulation and the demodulation techniques acquired in the communication system course through modulation and demodulation boards and through MATLAB.
Prerequisite: ELE537 Communication Systems.
ELE548 Linear Systems (Last Offered Fall 2010)
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course covers the canonical realization of transfer functions, state observability and controllability, state feedback and asymptotic observers, reduced order observers, and regulator design.
Prerequisite: ELE 442 Control Systems.
Note: This course has not been taught since Fall 2022 and will not be taught in the academic year 2024–2025.
ELE552 Digital Image and Video Processing and Compression
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course is concerned with understanding the fundamentals of digital image and video perception, representation, processing, understanding, and compression.
Prerequisite: COE 211 Computer Programming, GNE 331 Probability and Statistics, ELE 430 Signals and Systems.
ELE553 Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course covers the basic reliability concepts, elements of probability and statistical theory, application of important distributions, reliability in series, parallel and complex systems, application of Markov chains in the evaluation of repairable system reliability, application of Markov processes for reliability evaluation of complex systems, and the utilization of MonteCarlo simulation in basic system reliability evaluation.
Prerequisite: GNE 331 Probability and Statistics.
ELE557 Simulation of Electronic Circuits
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course covers the principles of efficient electronic circuit simulation using numerical methods and techniques. Topics include the formulation of network equations, dc analysis, frequency domain analysis, simulation of nonlinear networks, transient analysis, sensitivity analysis and model order reduction. The simulation of specialized circuits is also considered, including the analysis of radio frequency circuits and high-speed interconnects. In addition, students will learn how to implement circuit simulation methods using mathematical software tools.
Prerequisite: ELE401 Electronics
ELE593 Electrical Engineering Applications
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course allows ELE graduates to acquire the technical skills that are required to match a specific industry-related need. In particular, it exposes students to the techniques, which can improve their chances of gaining employment in jobs aligned with the considered need. This exposure is reinforced by an extensive hands-on experience that is brought into classroom through small-scale projects pertaining to problems inspired from the identified need.
Prerequisite: 4th year standing
ELE594 Undergraduate Research Project (Last Offered: Spring 2023)
[3–0, 3 cr.]
Engagement in a research project under the direction of a faculty member with emphasis on problem identification, formulation and solution. Requires a formal research report in the form of a paper.
This course is considered as a technical elective (ECE elective).
ELE594H Undergraduate Research Project (Last Offered: Spring 2023)
[3–0, 3 cr.]
Engagement in a research project under the direction of a faculty member with emphasis on problem identification, formulation and solution. Requires a formal research report in the form of a paper.
This course is considered as a technical elective (ECE elective).
ELE595 Capstone Design Project I
[3–0, 3 cr.]
The course is devoted to the solution of open-ended engineering design projects with functional specifications and realistic constraints. This project provides a study of multiple solutions for a major design experience while accounting for multiple realistic constraints and relevant standards. The study is concluded by a written report and an oral presentation providing a course of action for the fulfilment of the project. This course is the first part of a two course sequence (ELE595 and ELE596) .
Restrictions: Fifth year standing
ELE596 Capstone Design Project II
[3–0, 3 cr.]
The course is devoted to the solution of open-ended engineering design projects with functional specifications and realistic constraints. This project provides a culminating major design experience that is concluded by a written report and an oral presentation. This course is the final part of a two course sequence (ELE 595 and ELE 596).This course is the final part of a two course sequence (ELE595 and ELE596).
Prerequisite: ELE595 Capstone Design Project I
ELE599 Topics in Electrical Engineering
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course covers the treatment of new developments in various areas of Electrical Engineering.
Note: This course has not been taught since Fall 2022 and will not be taught in the academic year 2024–2025.
ELE599D Topics: Electricity Markets & Renewable Energy
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course focuses on the fundamental concepts of competitive electricity markets and introduces the models and tools that are needed to understand and analyze them. Additionally, it explores how market incentives can be used to promote the development of renewable energy and, in turn, how renewable energy affects the operation of electricity markets.
Prerequisites: ELE302 Electrical Circuits II or ELE300 Electric Circuits or ELE305 Introduction to Electrical Engineering
ELE721 Electrical Energy Storage Systems (OFFERED WITH ELE521)
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course covers different types of electrical energy storage systems. It provides a broad understanding of the operating principles and the sizing techniques based on Ragone relation. Topics covered include energy and power analysis, secondary batteries with a focus on lithium-ion batteries, conventional supercapacitors, hybrid supercapacitors, modelling techniques, and state of charge and state of health estimation methods. Hybrid systems that combine two or more energy storage systems will be also discussed.
ELE724 Faulted Power Systems (Offered with ELE525)
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course covers the techniques and mathematical tools needed to analyze faulted power systems. Topics include impedance model, analysis of three-phase symmetrical faults, symmetrical components, unsymmetrical faults, and power systems stability. Students will be challenged to draw upon a background of knowledge from earlier studies to explore these topics in a comprehensive manner.
ELE726 Renewable Energy Sources (Offered with ELE526)
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course introduces students to the challenges of sustainable energy development that are addressed under the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which consists of 17 urgent actions by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership. The course introduces renewable energy technologies (e.g., hydropower, wind, solar, etc.) and illustrates how they achieve the targets of SDG7 (Affordable and Clean Energy). At the conclusion of the course, students will have a solid technical and economic understanding of these renewable energy technologies.
ELE729 Design and Operation of Smart Grids (Offered with ELE529)
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course focuses on the concept of smart grids. It offers a basic introduction to the different components of a power system and explores its development in the presence of distributed generation, energy storage and electric vehicles. The course also covers the use of ICT technologies in the development of smart grid applications that enhance the operation of the power system.
ELE731 Optical Fiber Communications (Offered with ELE531)
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course covers the waveguiding in optical fibers, fiber losses including attenuation, dispersion and nonlinearities, noise, receiver and transmitter design, link analysis, introduction to erbium-doped amplifiers, and time- and wavelength-division-multiplexed networks.
ELE735 Information and Coding Theory (Offered with ELE535)
[3–0, 3 cr.]
Information theory applied to communication systems. It covers digital signals and streams, information measures, data compression, error-correcting codes, block codes, convolutional codes, Viterbi algorithm, noise, maximum-entropy, Markov chains, channel capacity formalism and Shannon’s theorem.
ELE742 Linear Systems (Offered with ELE548)
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course covers the canonical realization of transfer functions, state observability and controllability, state feedback and asymptotic observers, reduced order observers, and regulator design.
Note: This course has not been taught since Fall 2022 and will not be taught in the academic year 2024–2025.
ELE752 Digital Image and Video Processing and Compression (Offered with ELE552)
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course is concerned with understanding the fundamentals of digital image and video perception, representation, processing, understanding, and compression.
ELE753 Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems (Offered with ELE553)
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course covers the basic reliability concepts, elements of probability and statistical theory, application of important distributions, reliability in series, parallel and complex systems, application of Markov chains in the evaluation of repairable system reliability, application of Markov processes for reliability evaluation of complex systems, and the utilization of Monte Carlo simulation in basic system reliability evaluation.
ELE757 Simulation of Electronic Circuits (Offered with ELE557)
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course covers the principles of efficient electronic circuit simulation using numerical methods and techniques. Topics include the formulation of network equations, dc analysis, frequency domain analysis, simulation of nonlinear networks, transient analysis, sensitivity analysis and model order reduction. The simulation of specialized circuits is also considered, including the analysis of radio frequency circuits and high-speed interconnects. In addition, students will learn how to implement circuit simulation methods using mathematical software tools.
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course is concerned with understanding the fundamentals of digital image and video perception, representation, processing, understanding, and compression.
ELE799D Topics: Biomechatronics - offered with MCE540
[3–0, 3 cr.]
Biomechatronics is the application of mechatronic engineering to human biology . This course will cover state-of-the-art in the field of Biomechatronics including assistive technologies, prosthetic devices, rehabilitation robots, and exoskeletons