Academic Catalog 2019–2020

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Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering


The M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering program imparts sound professional and academic training in civil engineering, giving students access to a variety of courses in their area of emphasis as well as the opportunity to conduct research, thus combining the theoretical and applied aspects of civil engineering.

The program is designed to stimulate independent thinking and the acquisition of knowledge as well as the application of acquired knowledge and skills in order to solve practical engineering problems. The program provides in-depth experience within one or more particular fields of civil engineering while exposing student to cross-disciplinary issues and topics that affect the engineering and management of systems.

The student completes the program with a thesis based on a research topic selected from one of the following emphasis areas:

  1. Construction Engineering and Management
  2. Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
  3. Geotechnical Engineering
  4. Structural Engineering
  5. Transportation Engineering