Academic Catalog 2024–2025

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Master of Science in Nutrition


The Masters in Science (MS) in Nutrition program allows students to gain an advanced understanding of nutritional epidemiology, pathophysiology, therapy, and policy as well as food security, safety, and quality in Lebanon and globally. It prepares students to become technically competent in the fields of clinical and/or public health nutrition and/or food sciences. The program provides opportunities for interdisciplinary research in the context of collaborative projects with educational, governmental and/or non-governmental organizations in Lebanon and the world. The MS in Nutrition can be integrated with the Coordinated Program that prepares students to acquire the Registered Dietitian credential from the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics- United States.


The mission of the MS in Nutrition is to prepare competent graduates who can design and implement strategies to solve complex issues in the fields of human nutrition and food science to ultimately enhance the well-being of individuals and communities.

Program Objectives

The MS in Nutrition aims to:

  1. prepare students to become critical thinkers who can solve problems in the areas of human nutrition and food science through evidence-based practice.
  2. produce investigators with the required competencies to carry out state-of-the-art research in the fields of nutrition and food science.
  3. produce nutrition and food-related leaders who can work in academia, the industry, clinical and community-practice as well as policy-making.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the MS in Nutrition program, graduates will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate critical thinking in the interpretation of the most recent nutrition and food science research (Program Objective 1)
  2. Apply professional and inter-professional teamwork skills and ethical standards in the application of nutrition care (Program Objectives 1 and 2)
  3. Demonstrate continuous active learning and awareness of current trends in nutrition and food science through relevant information sources (Program Objectives 2 and 3)
  4. Design and implement research protocols using reliable methodologies in the fields of nutrition and food science (Program Objective 3)
  5. Interpret statistical analysis results in a health-related areas (Program Objectives 2 and 3)


A minimum of 30 credits are required to graduate, distributed as follows:

  • Required Program Courses (12 credits)
  • Elective Courses (12 credits)
  • Thesis (6 credits)

Required Program Courses (12 credits)

  • NUT601 Advanced Biostatistics (3 cr.)
  • NUT602 Research Methods for Nutrition and Food Science (2 cr.)
  • NUT651 Advanced Nutrient Metabolism I (3 cr.)
  • NUT652 Advanced Nutrient Metabolism II (3 cr.)
  • NUT691 Graduate Seminar (1 cr.)

Elective Courses (12 credits)

Students must choose four of the following courses:

  • NUT612 Advanced Quality Systems (3 cr.)
  • NUT613 Food Product Development (3 cr.)
  • NUT614 Food Packaging (3 cr.)
  • NUT620 Advanced Nutrition Assessment (3 cr.)
  • NUT622 Drug and Nutrient interactions (3 cr.)
  • NUT623 Advanced Therapeutic Nutrition (3 cr.)
  • NUT631 International Nutrition/Nutrition in Emergencies (3 cr.)
  • NUT641 Sports Nutrition (3 cr.)
  • NUT661 Nutritional Epidemiology (3 cr.)
  • NUT681 Special Topics in Nutrition and Food science (3 cr.)

Thesis (6 credits)

  • NUT699 MS in Nutrition Thesis (6 cr.)

Recommended Study Plan


Fall (8 credits)

  • Elective course (3 cr.)
  • NUT602 Research methods for Nutrition and Food Science (2 cr.)
  • NUT651 Advanced Nutrient Metabolism I (3 cr.)

Spring (7 credits)

  • NUT652 Advanced Nutrient Metabolism II (3 cr.)
  • NUT691 Graduate Seminar (1 cr.)
  • Elective course (3 cr.)


Fall (9 credits)

  • NUT601 Advanced Biostatistics (3 cr.)
  • NUT699 MS in Nutrition Thesis (6 cr.)

Spring (6 credits)

  • Elective course (3 cr.)
  • Elective course (3 cr.)