Academic Catalog 2024–2025

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MIG720 Research Methods

[3–0, 3 cr.]

The aim of the course is to provide comprehensive understanding of the diverse research methods used in the Social Sciences, and to convey the necessary practical skills required for their application. The course will provide students with relevant knowledge of major research methods, their respective uses and usefulness, and their relevance for the study of contemporary Social Science research issues. The course begins with an introduction to research design, encompassing both qualitative and quantitative research methods and their utility, seen in relation to the question of validity. Students will be required to study a Social Science problem assigned to them, applying their knowledge and skills to this problem throughout the course. Techniques for data collection and analyses of interviews, questionnaires, observation, and database material will be taught in workshops. Development of the skills required for both written and oral dissemination of results is also a key feature of the course.