Academic Catalog 2022–2023

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MIG715 Gender and Migration

[3–0, 3 cr.]

This seminar will use a gender lens to studying various forms of migration, forced and exploitative migration and trafficking in persons. Migration can contribute to socio-economic development but it can also be an outcome and a cause of vulnerabilities. Migrant women tend to be particularly vulnerable to involuntary servitude and trafficking, while the gender division of labor resulting from migration often leads to more abuse and less protection for women migrants by labor and immigration laws. As such we will look at structural and social determinants that enable such transnational migration and trafficking to take place, the gendered impact of such movements, and the range of measures and legal instruments that exist locally, regionally and internationally that cover migrants and trafficked persons. Themes covered include: international gendered labor markets, migration to and from the Middle East, domestic labor, Human Trafficking; Sex trafficking, displacement through conflict and development, remittances, and human rights.