Migration Studies Courses
MIG710 Theories of Migration
[3–0, 3 cr.]
The course introduces students to the basic concepts and processes governing mobility of people between various countries. It applies economic, sociological, anthropological, political and cultural studies approaches to analyze this phenomenon. This course is designed to examine emigration and its impacts on sending and receiving countries with particular emphasis on Lebanon and other Arab countries. It discusses the various reasons that motivate people to leave their country of birth and looks into the effects of their emigration on the socio-cultural and economic life in their ‘homeland’. Immigration to Lebanon, especially the immigration of domestic and unskilled workers, will also be examined. In addition, this course aims to discuss the process of formation of diasporic communities and the patterns of their settlement in different parts of the world. It examines the various circumstances under which the diasporic communities have been formed and transformed within the context of an increasingly globalized world. More generally, the course examines the various problems and successes experienced by migrant communities and their descendants in selected parts of the world. It discusses the extent to which they are integrated in the receiving countries and the cultural and political manifestations implicated in this process.
MIG715 Gender and Migration
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This seminar will use a gender lens to studying various forms of migration, forced and exploitative migration and trafficking in persons. Migration can contribute to socio-economic development but it can also be an outcome and a cause of vulnerabilities. Migrant women tend to be particularly vulnerable to involuntary servitude and trafficking, while the gender division of labor resulting from migration often leads to more abuse and less protection for women migrants by labor and immigration laws. As such we will look at structural and social determinants that enable such transnational migration and trafficking to take place, the gendered impact of such movements, and the range of measures and legal instruments that exist locally, regionally and internationally that cover migrants and trafficked persons. Themes covered include: international gendered labor markets, migration to and from the Middle East, domestic labor, Human Trafficking; Sex trafficking, displacement through conflict and development, remittances, and human rights.
MIG720 Research Methods
[3–0, 3 cr.]
The aim of the course is to provide comprehensive understanding of the diverse research methods used in the Social Sciences, and to convey the necessary practical skills required for their application. The course will provide students with relevant knowledge of major research methods, their respective uses and usefulness, and their relevance for the study of contemporary Social Science research issues. The course begins with an introduction to research design, encompassing both qualitative and quantitative research methods and their utility, seen in relation to the question of validity. Students will be required to study a Social Science problem assigned to them, applying their knowledge and skills to this problem throughout the course. Techniques for data collection and analyses of interviews, questionnaires, observation, and database material will be taught in workshops. Development of the skills required for both written and oral dissemination of results is also a key feature of the course.
MIG725 Politics and Migration
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course examines migration as a political issue for sending and receiving countries. It also examines how migration issues are politically tackled on state, regional (e.g. EU and Gulf countries) and international levels (UN, IMO, ILO, World Bank). Furthermore, the course focuses on what goes on between migrant communities and politics in their ‘homelands’. The course puts great emphasis on empirical analyses of regimes of migration, citizenship and policies of border control. It examines politics of racism and xenophobia as well as transnationalism, migration and diaspora politics. It discusses, for instance, case studies on transnational activism in Europe and the Middle East; migration and multiculturalism in Europe, Canada, the United States, and Australia; diaspora politics and nationalism in Western and postcolonial Arab societies. The use of case studies allows the students to gain actual knowledge of transnational activism, migration and diaspora politics in specific contexts and their impact on inter- and intra-state relations.
MIG740 Topics in International Law
[3–0, 3 cr.]
A seminar on various topics in international law geared to prevailing conditions and interests like: the individual in international law; international criminal law; extradition; recognition of states, rogue states, governments and belligerent communities. This module will also bring together the main elements of international law which govern international migration. These are: the principle of state control, the law of nationality, the duties of states to their own nationals, human rights law, refugee law and the developing law on migrant workers.
MIG745 Migration, Exile and Literature
[3–0, 3 cr.]
Literature by migrants - those not at home where they write - foregrounds many questions concerning cultural and linguistic identity, not least the relationships between identity, language and territory. Fundamentally, such literature challenges the categories according to which literary disciplines have traditionally (that is, since the late nineteenth century) organized their research. The seminar aims to overcome the limits set by national paradigms; to challenge conventional understandings of the relation between sending and receiving cultures; to highlight similarities and differences between and within the different national contexts; and, through this comparative, interdisciplinary and transnational approach, to work towards a provisional outline of the present state and potential development of literary migration studies. The seminar will investigate, primarily, the nexus between migration, nation, literature, cultural loyalties and social and personal identities. Within the last thirty years Western countries have undergone a radical change: increased number of migrants have migrated and settled in the West. The idea of the nation-state - one territory, one people, one language, one faith, one currency - is no longer coherent in practice, nor is it self-evidently desirable. The course wishes to explore literature by migrants, and by the children of migrants, as well as literature written by non-migrants that deals with migration as a theme; and to investigate whether and how migration affects national canons, national literary history and national culture in a broad sense.
MIG750 Globalization
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course aims to introduce students to a more theoretical and comprehensive understanding of human mobility. It conceives of migration as an intrinsic part of broader processes of development, social change and globalization instead of a ‘state problem to be solved’. This course aims to discuss how theories of migration can be integrated by conceptualising migration as an intrinsic part of global processes of social, cultural and economic change.
MIG760 Citizenship, Transnationalism and Diaspora
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course will focus on contemporary transnational movements of people and the social relations that are built around such transnational links. It will survey the growing literature on transnational communities and transnationalism from a political economy, social and cultural perspective. The objective of the course is to view the mobility of people not simply as a one directional movement, but rather to make the unit of analysis a transnational region where people on the move and migrants weave networks of social, political and economic relations. Within this context, particular attention will be paid to transnational political, economic and cultural links and the importance of gender relations. Case studies will include transnational relations and transnational communities related to Arab countries.
MIG765 Migration and Development
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This seminar examines the most relevant issues concerning the relationship between migration and development. The complex dynamics that characterize the interconnection between migration and development including socio-political (state-, society- and household- related), economic (labor-, income- and capital-related), and legal (human rights, international and regional policy) factors will be reviewed. The course acknowledges that, in both sending and receiving countries, different patterns of migration – circular, return, temporary, permanent, regular/irregular – may have different impacts on development. Push factors (underemployment and unemployment; poverty; poor access to welfare; low rewards to skills; poor governance, political or civil instability, etc.), and pull factors (jobs availability; higher incomes; social security; higher education; networks of previous migrants; etc.) will also be examined. Debates on the impact of development include destination and origin countries. To what extent do governments foster development along with migrant communities and host countries with migration-induced development through confidence building, infrastructure, skills training, etc.? Under what conditions does migration of skills result in a brain drain or a brain gain for sending countries?
MIG770 Cities and Migration
[3–0, 3 cr.]
This course gives a broad account of the meaning of the concepts migration and urbanization and critically reflects upon how these processes are manifested in societal change. Migration and urbanization are two closely related processes with global reach and which are crucial for how the world is changing in our time. The purpose of the course is to provide a basic introduction to theories, concepts and phenomena within the research field migration, urbanization and societal change. It focuses on discussing migration, urbanity and everyday life.
MIG780 Topics in Migration Studies
[3–0, 3 cr.]
Course Description: The choice of the topic depends on the current issues in migration studies and the current interest of the Professor willing to teach it, e.g. Forced Migration and Refugee Studies, Human Rights and migration, etc.
MIG785 Practicum: Internship or Research
[3–0, 3 cr.]
Internship at an organization working with migrants/refugees, or active involvement on an institutional research project that examines elements of population movements. The work will be assessed on the basis of a written report and discussion with the faculty advisor. This course is geared to students who are keen to get practical experience in the field.
MIG799 Thesis
[6 cr.]
All students must complete a thesis according to university regulations. Before commencing work on the thesis, the student must present a thesis proposal for approval by three faculty members. The thesis proposal should comprise a research question, including a set of hypotheses, the sources of information and an outline of the research method to be used – and should not exceed 2000 words. The thesis supervisor should approve the proposal before submission to the other two faculty members for their approval.