Academic Catalog 2020–2021

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Foundation Program


The Foundation program offers a comprehensive introduction to design, providing a broad outlook into design as a creative activity neither limited nor separated by disciplinary boundaries. This program is largely common to all majors, with minor variations in the Spring semester, that are geared towards effecting a smooth transition towards the desired majors.

In the Spring semester, students in Fine Arts, Graphic Design and Fashion Design are required to take the Visual Dynamics studio, while  students in Architecture and Interior Design take the Formal Tectonics studio, in parallel with specific support courses.

The Foundation program consists of 25 course credits. This program should be completed in the first year of enrollment.

Faculty and Staff

For more information, visit the list of full- and part-time faculty and staff  found on the SArD website.

Contact Information


  • Phone number: Extension 1392
  • Address: Safadi Fine Arts Building 110 A
  • Website


  • Phone number: Extension 2474
  • Address: Architecture Building 502 B
  • Website