Academic Catalog 2020–2021

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MGT420H Strategic Planning and Policy Formulation

[3–0, 3 cr.]

This course is intended to be a challenging capstone course for the undergradu­ate business school curriculum. It is first and foremost a course about “manag­ing for success” and achieving competitive advantage. The course is designed to equip students with the core concepts, frameworks and techniques of strategic management. It provides them with tools to understand and manage the strategic planning process. It enlightens students with the fundamentals of strategic planning and grants them broader insights into strategy formulations and implementations. It is tailored to address all business emphases and to provide a comprehensive and in-depth strategic planning techniques that are applicable to different industries. In analyzing multidisciplinary business case studies, students will practically integrate much of the knowledge gained in the core business curriculum.

Prerequisites: At least 27 credits of core courses completed and Senior standing